Does a House Alarm System really protect?

I am wondering if anyone has really been protected by a house security System. I mean, there was an intruder, a fire, or something else that happened and the Alarm helped. Any personal stories and other sources are appreciated


  • I have an alarm system and am glad I do. It has protected me on several occasions. First, I have the medical alert button with my system that calls an ambulance when one is needed. I fell down the steps once and cracked open my head bad enough to require stitches and an emergency room visit. Second, my alarm detonated indicating a breach on the back door of my home. The police came out and saw very large boot prints in the mud leading to it. That very night a home in the neighborhood was broken into and I cannot help but wonder if the intruder tried my house first, but was scared off by the blarring alarm.

  • Had an alarm system installed 2 years ago. They just did the doors. While I was vacuuming, and wearing headset I forgot about and did not hear the warning beep when I opened a door.

    The system was supposed to phone here first and, if no answer then the second number I chose which was that of a family member.

    When I realized I had tripped the alarm, I picked up the phone to cancel and only got a busy signal.

    They didn't call me or my second number, the call when directly to the police station.

    They were here within 5 minutes...a good thing I suppose, but I cancelled it because the calls weren't placed in the order they were supposed to be. The company rep could not explain to me why that happened.!

    A VERY expensive lesson.

    I have since opted for window alarms that can be purchased individually.

  • I used to have a house alarm and decided it wasn't worth it. When the alarm goes off they first call you to see if it is a false alarm. If you don't answer they try all of your contact numbers. After they verify with you contacts that you are not there, then they call the police. So by this time you are either robbed, murdered or whatever. Personally I don't think there is much protection. Though to give them credit, the police will eventually show up.

  • Never owned a home alarm system & I never had a break in or other problem. Maybe NOT having an alarm system protected me? ;-)

    Had an alarm system when we owned a retail store. Never needed it. Cost us alot of money, was a pain to disarm, and would give false alarms.

  • Installing an alarm system is the best way to protect you house from burglary, fire and intrusion. So, its better to contact a reliable security company to install one. As, they offer a wide range of security alarm systems according to your needs and budget.

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