why am i so paranoid?

Yesterday I sold a piece of furniture(wardrobe closet) was in my landlords garage since it would not fit up the steps i am out of work and needed the money sold it for 50.00 this girl from a not so nice town called for it and came liked it and bought it she gave me a 50.00 bill. 4 hours later she came back with a friend saying she gave me 100 and wanted the 50 i wold not give it told her she was wrong she started crying but i did not budge for i would never in a million years rip anyone off her friend believed me and said her friend has 5 kids and is upset, i was upset she came back with out calling and knocked on my landlords door not mine, i actually called the cops after for i was nervous in this day and age you never know the cop suggested i don't sell on craigslist again there are huge problems like this and if she comes back call 911 and someone will come and tell her not to come back. i did not sleep thinking she is coming back. i have such bad luck which is why i am feeling like this how can i relax


  • i think that she knows she gave u a 50 but shes just trying to scare you to give it back thats how some bad ppl take advantage of nice ppl call the cops if you see her around.

  • I cannot tell you how much I know how you feel. I am so overly paranoid about everything, too. A guy came and offered to do some yardwork for us and I said no thanks but now I feel-well, he knows where I live and he knows what I look like and he knows how to outside of the yard is set up.

    That is just an example-but this isn't about me... lol. I think people faill to realize that these kinds of things have a slim chance of happening. We hear about it on the news and on TV shows (whether they're real or fake) all of the time and think it happens way more than it does.

    I would just relax (easier said than done)... you can't stress out about what could happen-especially if you don't necessarily have any control over it.

    I wish I could say more to make you feel better-it's hard, I know.

    Good luck

  • don't fall for it people will try to rip you off any way they can next time give a receipt saying what the denomination that you received was on the receipt then their will be no discrepancy i once gave money to a guy who had a sign that said homeless any thing helps i saw the very same guy a week later down at the city paying taxes on his house at the same time i was i felt like a chump i don't believe people so easily any more she was just trying to rip you off

  • she's trying to fool you

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