how do i transfer pictures from old email account to a new account?

i had an email account i changed it due to someone checking my email and had photos saved to a file and i need those photos transfered to my new email address


  • I would suggest going into your old account, finding the pictures and downloading and saving them on your local hard drive. From there you would have the option of placing the pictures on a CD, if you have a burner.

    Good luck!

  • If its the same computer, in your pictures folder will be a file saying yahoo pictures. If you saved them into a photo album, you can retrieve them there. Otherwise, try to get into the old account and email them to the new one. Then, copy the pictures into your regular picture file so that you dont have to go thru it again.

  • If the old email address is still active, just email them to your new email address. I do it all the time between my work and home emails.

  • The answers here are much right, and i repeat what is said to do. Nothing more. Hv a wonderful day.

  • go to the old account and e mail them to the new

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