Esophagus cancer?

How long do people last once they have found stage 3 cancer in the esophagus??? They told my uncle it was too late to do anything about it...


they told him it had already spread too much to do anything and all they can do is chemotherapy


  • If cancer is diagnosed, you're likely to have more tests to determine whether and where the cancer has spread (metastasized), a process known as staging. This step is especially important because it helps your doctor determine the most appropriate treatment. Esophageal cancers are staged using the numbers 0 through IV. In general, the higher the number the more advanced the cancer.

    Go to the link below for notes on treatment and coping skills, etc. God bless.

  • Sorry to tell you, it is one of the worst death rates of cancer. My best friend's husband died of this at the age of 46.

    He was not a smoker either. It is a very aggressive cancer and kills people within a few years generally and he tried lots of treatments including both surgery and chemo. I think he lasted about a year and a half from when he was first diagnosed.

  • The most common malignant esophageal tumor is squamous cell carcinoma, followed by adenocarcinoma. Symptoms are progressive dysphagia and weight loss. Diagnosis is by endoscopy, followed by CT and endoscopic ultrasound for staging. Treatment varies with stage and generally includes surgery with or without chemotherapy and radiation. Long-term survival is poor except for those with local disease.

  • honey, dont let these last answes scare you, he could last for up to 5 years, depending on the treatment he gets, my hubby lasted 18 mons with this cancer, until it hit his liver, then it wasnt long..he was in stage 4 when he was diagnosed..each person is different. eddie had a good qulity life up until the last 2 weeks, then he was just weak..and died in his sleep at home..God bless

  • phase 4 is too late. try M D Anderson Hospital in Houston Texas, Supposed to be 5 years ahead of all other cancer places in US. Wish my husband had gone , I lost him within a year of being diagnosed,,,,,never sick a day in his life. Good luck and God bless you.

  • I'm very sorry to hear that, tell him not to give up hope though. I just lost my Dad last month to the exact same situation but he never quit even in his last days. This doesn't mean that your uncle can't make it reguardless to what doctors say, but just remember to stay positive. if you want more information just IM me.

  • Chances are not high. It is difficult to say how long a person would last.

    Sorry to read about your uncle. Be strong!

  • im sorry for you but my brother had this he was only 34 years old,he had loads of operations,his voice box removed,he suffered terrible for 3 years he never ate again he passed away in a lot of pain,i cant tell you how much i feel for you now god bless

  • month or two. its too late to do anything curative, but things can be done to keep him comfortable.

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