how do i persuade my parents?

For about 4 years now, I've been desperate to get a bunny. I've thought it through so much and I've borrowed 2 books from the library on how to care for one. I don't beg, and I only ask my parents when they're in a good mood. I've thought about cost (I have saved up and I have come up with a deal that I will pay three quarters of the money), space, breeds, feeding etc (everything I could possibly think of!) I've even shown my parents a PowerPoint presentation. My parents agree that looking after one is not a problem but they are concerned about my behaviour. They keep saying, 'We don't want to reward you, when you don't care about us!'. I try so hard when it comes to behaviour. I've been doing chores around the house now for 3 years solid. I've asked them what they expect of me and I've been trying my very best. I talk to them politely and I take good care of them. I've told them this but they just ignore me. It kills me how much I want one but I'm trying hard not to let it show too much. What should I do? Any suggestions will be much appreciated! thanks!


I've already cared for a pet goldfish and I did that responsibly. My friend who has got a bunny, told my family all about money and pet insurance etc so we're pretty confident we've got that sorted! Also, I'm old enough to get one without my parent's permission but I think that would be disloyal.One half of me tells me that they're being reluctant due to the fact that they're not impressed with my behaviour but the other half tells me that they can't be bothered. I don't want to wait until I've moved out, though, because I'll probably be really busy with work and stuff. I treat my parents with a lot of respect. I work really hard. I do constant revision as well as house work and I get really high grades. I'm really upset that they won't listen to my desires but I don't want to come across as a spoilt child.


  • Just do as your parents want and make them happy and satisfied they will fulfill your wish someday for sure.

  • It depends on how old you are and your past track record with caring for pets. I realize you think you have it all figured out, but there will always be a constant cost to care for the pet. Are you prepared for that?

    I think your parents should be honest with you and tell you either you can or cannot have one. Over the years ones behavior changes so much. What you did when you were 12 totally changes when you are 13 and so on. So I wonder how many years are they going to wait for the perfect behavior.

    I guess you should wait until you are old enough and have a place of your own. Then you can have all the pets you want.

  • You could do one of three things

    either go ahead and just buy a rabbit (not the best idea)

    Or you could just beg show them you are responsible and ask for a small pet first like a fish to show you can. This could also help your behaviour. Say something like getting a rabbit would improve my behaviour.....

    Write a contract for them saying that if you are allowed the rabbit then you will do certain hings and if you dont then you cant see the rabbit or something like that..,

  • Hey! I'm sorry, but if you can't persuade them, then just tell them that you're going to get one when you move out, and that they will wish they had got you one. I'm in the same situation with cat. Seven years of waiting has made me realise how much I want one. I've made endless powerpoints and am very responsible. I want to be a vet and help out at a cat charity. My powerpoint had 447 pages and it still hasn't worked.

    They'll be sad when they see how happy you are with one in the future, and will wish they had shared your joy when you were a child in the house.

    Sorry, but some people just don't get it.

    My dad's a control freak who doesn't care about me, but does't like to be asked anything/be presented with any type of change. He just screams 'NOOOO' whenever I ask anything, like going to my friend's house. I'm not even kidding

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