Do you have a special place you go?

that brings you a sense of calm?

A place that seems to bring the world into order for you?


  • Not necessarily a "place"

    I love to read, or listen to music, or of course sit quietly in the corner on your 360 page....

  • A very rarely used beach on the south shore of Staten Island (NYC). Not easily accessible, and definitely not one of the worlds greatest beaches. But, it's where I spent my teenage years, where I met my husband, etc. I live a few hours away now, but every once in awhile I jump in the car and head back there, just to sit at the edge of the pier for a little while. Clears my head, calms me down, and brings me back to where I need to be. Don't know what it is about that spot, but it's almost magical to me.

  • Yes, out my back door. Light filtering through the trees, flowers that are singing out to me that they are happy. Birds chirping and even tho it needs constant raking or sweeping or mowing or watering, it's my special place because it's filled with nothing but nature and the things I like best !!

  • Yeah but it's more of a mental place than an actual place. I just meditate, and everything just falls into place...

  • Bandon, Oregon. It is the Pacific coast and it settles me.

    Not being able to get there very often...the recliner in his office works also.

    Not being able to go there much at all...I sit on my deck very late at night and watch the stars move and settle myself.

  • Yes..laying in the sun, my lounge chair and my quiet backyard. I can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can start enjoying it again.

  • yeah, the bathroom. I call it my thrown. I could solve world issues if I just spent just a little more time there.

  • Yeah, the nature! Especially waterfalls. n

  • Yes praying anywhere, home, ER Etc.

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