Cals a day?

I usually eat between 1000-1100 a day. Work off about 700 and play hockey 6 times a week. But I was told by the gym to lose between 25-30 lbs. Should I go lower to lose more? What should i do to drop if? I've lost 8 already


  • Unless you get direct advice from a doctor or nutritionist don't try it. If you are losing weight already then you have enough of a deficit. Just make sure to split your calories up well enough to keep your metabolism and blood sugar up. Make sure you are getting enough nutrients, if not from food then from a multi. Good luck!

  • No what you're doing is great! Eating under 1,200 calories a day is pretty unhealthy - in fact a 1,200 calories a day plan is the universally recommended amount for weight loss. Plus you're burning off aplenty - keep at it and you'll soon be seeing those pounds melt away. Good luck! And congratulations on losing 8 lbs - I'm sure that's made an obvious difference!

    ps As far as I can see, you're pretty, you've got a lovely friendly face, and that douche bag at the top is probably rather lonely.

    *note - lol okay douche bag has been deleted now but you get the picture.

  • If they gave you that advice based on your BMI (body mass index), they could have been mistaken a big time, because BMI numbers tend to rule out many factors affecting person's weight, height and body contour. Plus, I don't think BMI is accurate for everyone. I don't know how old you are or your weight or height, but you are already on a VERY low calorie diet. Further cutting it down could be counter effective in weight management. You sound like you are already getting enough exercise. If I were in your shoes, I would probably consult with a physician instead of taking the advice from a gym if weight management is a concern.

  • What is your current weight and height. It sounds to me like you are plenty active. It sounds to me like your calorie intake isn't sufficient for your activity level and your bodies basic health and maintenance requirements. I would strongly recommend you see your doctor. Unless you are overweight to start with, you probably need to consume more calories per day just be maintain health.

  • You didn't mention what you thought about how you look or how you feel, you sure sound healthy......remember one thing, the gym won't get your money unless they keep you coming...sounds like some, not all, shrinks who keep you coming by convincing you there is more wrong with than what is!!!!!!!!! also, muscle weighs more than fat, I don't weigh very much but am kinda flabby, small sound very healthy to me but you are the judge of how YOU feel...screw the gym.......!!!!!!

  • calorie intake doesnt matter unless ur going really low or really high because if u want to lose weight u must burn more calories than u consume. simple huh?

  • u look like brittany spears when she had hair, not exactly ugly, but...

    i dont know how old you are, but if you google "personal health pyramids" you can find out how many you personally should have a day. (calories, what foods, etc.)

  • Eat all the calories you want, just cut the carbs.

  • Well if I was you I will tell them love it or live it

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