Does music affect...?

please answer, its for a science/sociological project.

What kind of grades do you get, and what is your most preferred type of music?

Do you listen to music while doing any type of schoolwork?

What type of music helps you concentrate?

Does music affect the way you dress and act?

Does music affect who you hang out with, do your friends have the same tastes?

Please add any other info you might think interesting.


  • Oh, yeah, I love cop killer lines blaring in my head--makes me want to jump in a gang real quick. I love studying with music--guarantees a C or a D--I am so proud of myself. And I love music that makes my underwear and pants hang to my knees---yes my gang and me hang out and scare people--don't forget the hand on the crotch--what a charming look. Gotta go smack my bit-- in da mouth C ya

  • 1. Pretty good grades. And Usually rock.

    2. I occasionally listen to music while doing homework.

    3. I don't get distracted by music, so anything.

    4. It can I think depending on if your really into it.

    5. No and some do.

    And can music change the way you look at life, or your religious beliefs?

  • i get about 14/20, which used to be like 3rd or 4th best in my class out of 15 students. and i listen to alternative and indie rock.

    i listen to music while doing homework and studying, nearly all the time.

    any type is ok for concentration

    music dont really affect the way dress

    music has made me connect with 2-3 people

    though i mostly listen to alt rock, i can very well enjoy lots of other genres.

  • i usually get around a 3.0 A's B's and C's. i prefer rock.

    yes, i listen to my ipod while in class and my stereo when i'm studying at home.

    jazz or ambient helps me concentrate...usually miles davis or explosions in the sky.

    no, music has no effect on the way i dress or act. i really have no style.

    most of my friends have the same tastes, if a bit warped.

  • If it's a beautiful song full of meaning it makes me cry.

    My friend listens to OLD country and that makes me want to jump out of the truck.

  • Questions

    1. I get mainly B's and I prefer pop, hip hop, R&B

    2. I alomost always listen to my iPod while doing homework

    3. R&B/soul

    4. No

    5. Partially

  • 1) A's and B's

    2) rap / hip-hop / r&b / soul

    3)Yes i do

    4)same as #2

    5) no (i dress preppy, lol)

    6)it doesnt affect who i hang out with but my friends do have the same taste

  • sci - 83.78%

    eng - 89.98%

    math - 63.78% (ouch)

    basic computer - 80ish%

    accounting - 80ish%

    best music is oldies odr country i do listen to music during home work and i concentrate better with it. i dress how i dress, nothing effects that and it doesn't have any thing to do with my personality or who i hang out with. i just listen to oldies and not rap or hip hop junk.

  • A B grades

    yes i do


    no not really

    yes we do

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