How to do these Physics problems?

A 3.03 kg ball is dropped from the roof of

a building 178.2 m high. While the ball is

falling to Earth, a horizontal wind exerts a

constant force of 12.4 N on the ball.

How long does it take to hit the ground?

The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 .

Answer in units of s.

How far from the building does the ball hit

the ground?

Answer in units of m.

What is its speed when it hits the ground?

Answer in units of m/s.

A 4.0 kg bucket of water is raised from a well

by a rope.

The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 .

If the upward acceleration of the bucket is

3.4 m/s2, find the force exerted by the rope

on the bucket of water.

Answer in units of N.

The horizontal surface on which the block of

mass 3.5 kg slides is frictionless. The force

of 31 N acts on the block in a horizontal

direction. The force of 62 N acts on the block

at an angle as shown below.

The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 .What is the magnitude of the resulting ac-

celeration of the block?

Answer in units of m/s2.


  • 1] Separate the horizontal & vertical components.

    2] d = .5 at^2 ---> t = SQR[2d/a]

    3] Once you know t, then use f=ma --> a = f/m to find horizontal a, then use d = .5at^t

    4] To get impact speed you have to add quadratically the Vx and Vy [speed = SQR[Vx^2 + Vy^2], so you need to find Vx, but V=at

    5] F=ma but add the a's first

    6] not having the angle does not help. WHat you have to do is decompose the 62N force into x and y components, then add up the x components.

    Probably the block is not going to lift off the ice, but 62 N > 3.5 kg x 9.8 m/s/s so I guess it could....

  • D = 55ft. t = sqrt(2nd/g) t = sqrt(110ft/32ft/s^2) t = a million.86s I have not have been given any thought the way you obtain 0.33s. Which in case you paintings it out backwards and you clean up g. g = 2nd/t^2 g = 1010ft/s^2 Acceleration = velocity / Time velocity = Distance / Time surely Acceleration = (Distance / Time) / Time = Distance / (Time)^2 aka Distance over seconds squared. So no, you won't be able to overlook with regard to the seconds squared while fixing for time that's squared. so which you would be able to desire to sq. root the time with a view to get the honestly fee of time, and not time squared.

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