Do All Air Force Jobs Provide an Associates Degree?

*Is it regionally accredited?

*Is it an associates or higher?

*Are there stipulations to receiving this degree, such as time in or AFSC?

*Can this be built into a BA instead of Associates?

Thank you


  • As others said your job training gets you credits towards a degree not itself

    A personal example

    When I was in GWU gave Navy Corpsmen the opportunity to earn a BS in HCS if they attended IDC school.

    For A school, FMSS and IDC school combined I was awarded 57 credits, still had to take all my English, History, Sociology, etc on my own

  • I think you are confusing a couple of things. Jobs don't carry "associate degrees" with them but instead skill levels. Those skill levels are apprentice, journeyman, craftsman, and superintendent and some don't really have that highest one within the job field itself. Instead they attend in residence or complete by correspondence some other course that is in-like training to be awarded that highest level. Those other lower levels of craftsman as well as journeyman are also attained by a combination of on the job training and completion of the correspondent course along with performing your job at that level for a duration of time and that being signed off by your supervisor then. You can take the hours all that training and those courses require and use some of them for obtaining an associates degree in the Air Force awarded by them which is recognized by all your colleges and learning institutions. That can then in turn be used to fulfill some of the requirements for obtaining a bachelors but not everything will convert over for that entirely in every job or AFSC like what you are thinking. A person then takes and completes those things that are holes in that and they obtaining a bachelors degree if they choose or want to.

  • no air force jobs provide an associates degree

    some jobs will earn you credits that can be applied toward a CCAF associates degree, but you still must have other college courses taken from a university.

    most universities do NOT accept military credits except as free electives -- since they have no grades attached to them-- they are pass/fail

    and most BS degree programs have no free electives in the program

    IE: my afsc-- missile systems analyst gave me approx 33 credits in electronics -- that could e applied toward a CCAF associates in electronics -- but I still needed to take approx 30 semester hours of english, math, social science, hard science courses at a univ to complete the associates degree.

    and of the 66 credits i had when i left the service and started a electrical engineering BS degree program-- the only credits I could apply toward the BS degree were the 4 Physical education credits i got for basic training and some of the credits I had earned at a university while in the Air Force-- none of the air force credits could be applied toward my degree

    Note: my suggestion is, if you know what degree you want to earn, go order a course catelog from the university you plan on attending-- and take courses while in the air force that can be directly applied toward the degree you plan on going for-- and forget about a CCAF associates degree

  • OP here: Thank you, Brooke and Daniel. I’m confused now; why does the AF state their jobs are equal to an associates degree and the Army states their credits are only applied toward a degree? The only conclusion I have is that the Army does not have a CCAF equivalent

  • Every AFSC has a corresponding CCAF associates degree.

    CCAF is regionally accredited. It only awards associates degrees. CCAF awards credits for military training and education, but you also have to get some general education requirements done at other schools (CCAF doesn't actually have any classes of its own).

    You can apply some credits from your CCAF degree towards a bachelors, depending on the transfer policies of the school.

    Here is their website to read more:

  • No that is not true. You still have to get your actual associates degree via school, but some classes you take for your job, goes toward your assocaites degree. But it does not automatically give you an associates degree because you joined the AF -Navy

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