Air traffic controller; do you need a degree?

Do you need a degree to be an air traffic controller? I want to be one and I considered going to the air force to get training.


  • They have special schools for that. I think it is very expensive, though. I would talk to a recruiter to make certain that the air force training would be applicable to civilian work, and also to guarantee that you will receive this training if you join!!!

  • You do not need any degree beyond high school. In fact ACTs were ranked in fortune magazine I believe it was for being one the top grossing jobs not requiring a professional degree. On the other hand it is a high stress job with 0% room for error. But I think that most employers would like to see some sort of dgree, perhaps in communications. Hope this helps!

  • I want to major in aeronautics and be a commercial pilot. If that doesn t work out can I be in the air traffic control business with that degree?

  • stunning ingenious and prescient and the abilty to handle different projects on an comparable time, good hand and eye coordination. The FAA has all of the advice you desire, although the secure practices rigidity has a decision of standards different from civilian air web site travellers controllers. you would be able to correct be a extreme college graduate and 2 years of technical college and be qualified for ATC practise.

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