Why is O'Bama a Democrat?

It seems really ironic to me that the first black presidential contender is a democrat. It was the democratic party that enslaved O'Bama's people way back when...

It was the Republican Abraham Lincoln who put the stop to slavery.....

You got to wonder why African Americans are so anti-republican when it was a Republican who freed them...


  • People wouldn't vote for him if he ran as a Socialist. Obama's people were not slaves in America. His father was from Kenya.

    The people who enslaved blacks were Arabs and other blacks who then sold them to the Europeans.

  • If you knew anything about political history, and I guess I have to assume you don't, then you would know that if this were 140 some odd years ago I would be the liberal republican and you would be the conservative democrat.

    If you knew anything about political history than you would know that in the late stages of the slavery era and the early stages of the black rights movement the democrat party became very divided over black rights issues. The pro-slavery and later pro-segregation democrats quit the party and started a party called the "dixicrats" (sp?). The remaining democrats were pro-black rights, and thus the party was transformed and continued in that direction and is now the opposite of what it was oh so very long ago which is a good thing.

    You know what else happened? The dixicrats failed as party. You know what the members of the party ended up doing? Joining the republicans. And thus the republicans were slowly transformed in that direction, which the help of some aggressive campaigning. For a brief while, they WERE the racist party because all the old racist dems left that party and joined up with the GOP, and remnants of that still remain.

    The result is a total switch in positions for both parties. If Honest Abe were alive today there is no doubt in anyone's mind, scholar and light political history buff alike: If Abe were alive to day, he would no doubt be a democrat.

  • I agree with Berry 92. It's because he wants to be. And regarding African Americans being anti-republican. We did'nt wake up one day and say "I think I should hate republicans" Normally when we don't support a certain cause or party it is in response to how we have been treated (in response!). True both parties have some shaping up to do. But it appears that the GOP normally does not have "the common people" best interest at heart. See George Bush-2002 thru 2008.

  • It's not quite as simple at that.

    Traditionally, Southern Democrats have been so conservative that they would be Republicans anywhere else in the nation. All the Southern Democrats, dating back as far as to the Civil War, and extending into the 60s and the Civil Rights Movement were extremely conservative. They were not what we think of when we think of Democrats today--they were not liberal in the least.

    Obama is a true Democrat, meaning a real liberal. Southern Democrats have also changed, and are more in line today with what we think of as Democrats. It's just that that was not always the case.

    I hope that helps explain it a bit.

  • Political parties have changed greatly since Lincoln's time.

    In more recent history it has been the Democratic party that fought for civil rights (ex. LBJ) and the rights of minorities.

  • I always laugh when I hear republicans trying to compare themselves to the party of Abraham Lincoln.

    If you will read your history you will find that the republican party of the past changed as did the democrat party.

    At one point, southern White democrats (known as Dixiecrats) were segregationist who were social conservatives that left the democrat party to join the republican party.

    If White segregationist felt comfortable joining the republican party, what does that tell you about the republican party?

    Bottom line, the republican party of Lincoln's day is not the same party of today.

  • Unfortunately! It is the Hate party now. The Democratic party used to be and stand for the workin' folks; however it has declined and slid into the , Hate and Destroy America, You are a Victim, Rebel against any kind of authority, Only you matter and more than anybody else, party!

    So that is the only place someone of his ilk fits in. Hopefully the Democratic party again will become the party of compassion!

  • Because in the last 40 years Democrats have done more for advancement of the black race than any other party...

    Don't forget.....Lincoln did free the slaves...He also started a war that killed hundreds of thousands of people , slaves too...

    So that the North could control the South's cotton wealth.

  • Obama is not really for any Party he's with anyone who will follow him and get him elected. Obama played down his Black Heritage in Chigaco and makes race a big issue in this campaign.

    Most racists and KKK are Republicans. Most Black elected officials and great leaders are Democrats.

    The Democratic Party fought for Civil rights and many Democrats, and Jews marched with Martin Luther King because we don't believe in racism.

    Republican leaders tend to be sneaky and underhanded like Obama, for instance the appointment of Condolina Rice or Colin Powell who are brilliant, but they use them as token Blacks and if anyone has to take the fall it is them.

    I have heard the "N" word from so may Republicans and many have white supremicist type attitudes in Brooks Brother's suits.

    I actually think Obama is in with the Republicans and they are using him to tear apart the Democratic Pary like Farrakhan before him, to weaken Democrats, and advance the Republican globalist agenda, to sell and control all Oil, and sell as many arms as possible by starting wars, and to that end, stop Hillary from getting elected, because she really will buck the old boy network

    Hillary '08

  • i do no longer care who he likes A terrorist is a terrorist! What concerns if he's for us of a of america which I even have yet to work out. us of a of america is my team. McCain & Palin "08" real individuals for the yank human beings

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