does my car insurance go up?

my moms car aka mine because we share it all the time is in my grandpa’s name. so on paper, the car belongs to him even though he’s never driven it a day in his life. well me and my friend both have restricteds so we can’t be out past curfew. well i had the car for a weekend and it was 2am and i let her drive. we got pulled over for the tag light being out. he gave her a ticket and she has a court date and everything. i’ve looked up these questions but i still haven’t gotten the answer i’m looking for. if she was driving my grandpa’s car, and we got pulled for his tag light being out, she got the ticket i didn’t get in trouble, does his car insurance go up? even though she was the driver will it go up? if so i need to know quickly.


  • Tickets go to the driver, it doesn't matter who the car belongs to. As long as she is not listed as a driver on the insurance policy, the rates will not go up.

    If the curfew ticket was for driving past restricted hours, that will almost certainly make her insurance skyrocket, but not yours. If the curfew ticket was not related to her drivers license, the DMV and insurance company will never find out.

  • First there are no points for a license plate light bulb being out that is not considered a moving violation, that is an equipment violation, but it did give the police probable cause to stop you after they ran the plate number and found out it was registered to a male and not the female driving.

    There is also no court date for the defective equipment that small so she is not going to court for that. However for the driving restriction violation and curfew violation only, and why did you not get ticketed for curfew violation then? (That makes no sense)

    I doubt there will be any increase in insurance as the violation is not for moving, the other issues are criminal in nature and may effect if her license gets suspended for curfew violation and driving while restricted

  • It may or may not... it is up to the insurance company, but I would not call and ask them about it, just sit back and wait to see if they take action.

  • The car insurance might be invalid unless you have your own insurance. If your Grandpa owns the car and insures it for all of you, but is not the main driver, then it is called Fronting.

  • Be happy you don't live in NC. Here your insurance goes up if you sneez while driving.

  • no insurance doesn't go up for tickets. unless it's a DUI.

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