(YU-GI-OH) black rose dragon effect vs crush card or bottomless trap hole?

(YU-GI-OH) if my opponent summons a black rose dragon with the intention of nuking the field, then could i respond by activating bottomless trap hole or crush card virus... or will the effect of black rose activate before it...


  • You could chain the activation of Black Rose Dragon's effect with Bottomless Trap Hole or Crush Card Virus. The question is.. WHY!?

    This is the order of events...

    Black Rose Dragon is Synchro Summoned.

    Black Rose Dragon activates its effect (You cannot do anything due to Turn Player's Priority)

    You chain with Bottomless Trap Hole or Crush Card Virus (Doesn't matter)

    Assume that Turn Player does not chain in response.

    Assume that you do not extend the chain.

    Bottomless Trap Hole or Crush Card Virus resolves, doing their effect (Removing from play/destroying Black Rose Dragon, etc. Again, doesn't matter).

    Black Rose Dragon's effect resolves, destroying the field (this is why it doesn't matter).

    Unless you negate an effect of anything non-continuous (Spells, Traps, Effect), destroying the source will not stop the effect. Since neither of your two traps negate (and isn't Crush Card Virus banned?), it wouldn't have much of an effect if your goal is to stop the field from nuking.

    Now, if you just wanted to get the little things like removing from play the dragon, or being able to see your opponent's hand and next 3 draws, then yeah, you'll get the effect(s).

  • Black Rose Dragon's effect has priority over the bottomless or Crush Card.

    meaning, Black Rose can still blow up the field.

  • crush and bottmless does not negate black rose effect or negates it, black rose will still blow up the field

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