Is Pro Wrestling real?

I am getting kind of bored with my 2 part time jobs and I kind of want to explore different careers like some kind of sport or something like Pro Wrestling or may be boxing. How do you get into something like this and If you do will it better your chances of becoming like an actor like in a movie later on? Does it pay well to do something like this? I do have other options on the table but I know in a couple of months I could be in shape to do either.


  • Most Pro Wrestling moves are used to reduce impact. They have a whole bunch of tricks to make it look real without being killed out there. But it's all scripted so the winner is already going to be determined by WWE Creative and Vince McMahon.

    Working for WWE will pay great but your chances of making it that far are very slight. Wrestling School will cost a lot and it will take a long time to get to the top, if you do.

  • First I am a wrestling coach, I search Y! answers by "wrestling -wwe" which filters most of the wwe questions and comments out. That being said, I think that pro wrestling questions should be under "Entertainment & Music" because pro wrestling is WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT! I know that the WWE superstars ARE ATHLETES but you will not find any WWE match information on ESPN! I have however watched collegiate wrestling on ESPN 2. FYI - Did you know that Dolph Ziggler, Nicholas Theodore "Nick" Nemeth, was a 3x All American wrestling champ from Kent State University!

  • For starters, Pro Wrestling isn't real. It kind of is like acting in a movie; you have to follow a script. The training to make sure no one gets hurt, and to make sure the wrestlers are in physical shape is real. Anything can happen to anyone. When they say that anything can happen, they mean ANYTHING can happen. As far as pay goes, I have no clue. But choosing that type of career is your call. If you want to do something real, then do boxing or something else.

  • if you mean pro-wrestling like wwe and tna, then yes the wrestling moves are real, the storylines are scripted and results are pre-determined, but the moves are real, wrestlers are just taught how to land correctly and how to take a slam.

    it pays very well if you make it to the top, otherwise you'll be wrestling in small circuits and not earning much

    To start i guess the best bet would be to google wrestling schools in your area and give it a try and see if it's for you!

    amateur wrestling (the type you see at the olympics is completely different and ironicly real wrestling

  • Its scripted, not fake. Fake implies that the wrestlers don't get hurt whilst preforming in the ring, if that is the case then why are WWE superstars constantly getting injured in the ring and having to take months off usually having to have surgery on thier injuries, if it is fake then how come edge had to retire from wrestling because doctors feared he would break his neck if he wrestled again

  • Are you willing to put $3000 on a wrestling school with no promise that you would "become famous". Are you going to pretend that you are too smart for the business and then be shocked when you do not succeed because you refuse to follow the traditions and rules of said secret society. Are you going to start crying "boo hoo hoo they beat me up for no reason.......waaa I hate this scene". Are you going to be a cry baby when nothing goes your way? Its no different than the corporate office world where you have to EARN YOUR WAY.

  • I've been to wrestling school it's both. It depends on the moves but for the most part it's staged.

  • in WWE and TNA, the moves and the injuries are real. However, it is choreographed like a dance. They know what is going to happen, what moves come when, and who is going to win.

  • Yes it is real people do get hurt.

    However what is fake are the storyline, who is a good guy, who is a bad guy, who wins.

  • Wrestling is fake.

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