Fake or Real Doctors Note?

A few days ago, i found out that i developed a condition called trigiminal neralgia (sp?) where something triggers electric feeling shocks to your head..something as little as putting on makeup would cause it. and in my dance class, i have to dance with this fat, pothead kid, and i told my dance teacher about what happened to me, and that my doctor told me to sit out of dance for a few weeks. (he did not really.) she said it was fine, but i need a note. and ill get a real one, i just dont know how to, or if my doctor would be okay with it. help please!! thanks [:


  • You lied and now you're about to get caught. Oops!

    The way I used to get away with fake notes is take something my mother had signed. I would write my own note then "copy" her signature onto my note (by laying her signature underneath the paper and writing over her handwriting). The school/teacher would never care. They thought I had written the note and my mom had signed it. It worked everytime. Try it and let me know how it works.

  • Call you doctor and ask for a note. Most docs will give them out.

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