Do ducks carry diseases to humans?

There are some very friendly ducks at the children's park near our home (there's a small creek running through it). One of my children LOVES animals and attempts to pet them at times, these ducks are so friendly and used to people that it wouldn't surprise me if they'd let her. Are there any diseases that they'd carry that my children could get? I always make sure they wash their hands when we are done there but is there really anything to worry about?


Um, yeah- I wouldn't even ENCOURAGE my daughter to touch the duck... it's still a wild animal. I was just wondering if there were any diseases she could get if one did allow it. They're extremely tame but still wild creatures.


  • it's not advisable to touch any wild animal as birds carry hn51 bird flu and it hasnt mutated yet to humans but u never no when it might happen u certainly shouldnt let a child near a wild animal whatever (one) thinks!!!!!

  • Yes, Ducks carry the dreaded "Duckliosishalitosisnuerosis

    Virus" that can enter the respitory system and cause bad breath in humans , as well as entering the ear of a human and eventually to the brain where sooner or later it will cause a human to quack up.

  • Aviary specimens often carry mites...especially less domesticated stock. If the birds are nipping at their wings, they may be fighting their uninvited guests. Mites do attach to humans, too. Scabies is treated by several methods with over the counter solutions. Speak with a physician or pharmacist about "mite" treatments before encouraging the child to "touch the duck".

  • i think if a duck has like bird flu or something related it maybe able 2 pass it 2 a human

  • There is a risk in any activity we do. You take a risk every morning by stepping in the shower (at least I hope you do!). Yes, there is a risk in petting a duck, but I think it is so insignificant that one should not discourage it.

  • i raise chickens, rabbits, goats and other animals for hobby. profit, and shows and will cull or sell unproductive or non show quality animals. sick animals will be destroyed in order to protect my flock. that is a hard thing for me to do but it is a necessity. is that a sin? IM not sure. now lets look at this in a higher order. should man cull undesirables from society. Absolutely not. should god cull undesirables from society. that is up to our maker and some believe he has (great flood, plagues, ETC...) different religions have different names and beliefs about our creator, and what ever you call this higher power (and weather or not you believe in it at all) is up to you. none of us will know for sure if its true or where we are going until we die. until then the best we can do is respect our fellow man and their beliefs and do in life what in our best judgment is right. to cull or destroy sick or diseased wild animals or insects to protect our fellow man from a epidemic is a necessity not a sin.

  • Yes they can carry salmonella in their feces and on their bodies

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