Which is China made DSLR Camera?

I have this question in my mind that China is a fast developing country in consumer electronics, has china produced any DSLR Camera ever which is world class quality? like Nikon , canon etc.


  • My Nikon's are made in Thailand.

  • Even DSLRs are made all over the place; China, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan; you name it. It matters not where they are made these days, but what the quality control is at the factories making them.

  • if its low end camera than probably made in china or malaysia or any other country but if its a high end, brands like canon, sony and nikon its made in japan where their HQ is

  • Chinese dSLR?


    I just went to find one. Don't quote me on this one.

    Japan controls most of it anyway. Parts are made there then assembled elsewhere under strict Japanese supervision. You can't totally say a camera is Chinese, Malaysian, American or Filipino. They're all international.

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