What do blood parrot ciclids eat?

I got one a few days ago, and was wondering if flakes or pellets would be better because of the fish's mouth.


  • Cool fish, I have a few of them :)

    anyways.... they love blood worms! Supplement that with small cichlid pellets, algae wafers, shrimp pellets and flake food and you'll have one happy (and VERY fast growing) Blood Parrot.

    Because it's a hybrid and it's weird mouth shape some blood parrots can't eat easily, but keep the food small and it should be just fine.

  • Blood Parrot Fish Food

  • Fish food?

    If they are small then flakes will be OK. As the fish get bigger they will appreciate the more chunky pellets.

    The actual ingredients are usually the same, it's just how they are formed that differ. The flakes go soft in the water, and are easier for small fist to eat. But a large fish would need a LOT of flakes, so moving them to pellets is sensible.


  • You can feed your parrot cichlids the same food you would give any other South American cichlid and they do well on pellets.


  • Give the cichlid bloodworms, they are natural and they supply more nutrients for the fish.

  • the best food for parrot are bloodworms or sera flowerhorn ur parrot fish will love it

  • Ciclids are very aggressive fish, they can only be kept together, read more by searching google and reading books.

  • sweet chilli

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