do you consider this disrespect?


a man is in line with his girlfriend

another woman is in that same line

he ask his girl to go get something for him and when she returns..he is having a conversation with this other woman..meeting her son and exchanging info. on where each other live

his girlfriend excuse herself and go to the restroom and when she returns..he is still talking to this woman..his girl ask him to get her some condiments for her food..he dont hear her...then finally his girl walks way on the other side of the building to try and be mature and not yell in front of everyone about it...and she wait untill they are alone and talk to him about it,,and basically he dont see where he was wrong...somebody please give me your opinion please??


  • Yes, it's disrespectful. I'm assuming you are the girl this happened to. Your "boyfriend", is barely your boyfriend. Because a real boyfriend would not do that to you. A man who even cared about you EVEN JUST A LITTLE BIT would not do that to you. This guy thinks you are a JOKE. And you should not have waited until you got home to say something to him. I understand not causing a scene or embarrassing yourself and him. But being THAT passive that you would literally not say anything when he is DELIBERATELY disrespecting you in front of your face just makes you look like even more of a joke. Kick this guy to the curb and get with a real man who wouldn't play you for a fool like that loser.

  • At the end of the day this man just had a friendly conversation with a stranger in a shop. If someone is going to get upset about this then they are not mature enough to be in an adult relationship and should deal with their own insecurities before they embark on one in the future.

  • You can ask him in front of her what is going on. You dont have to yell in front of everyone and make a spectacle, simply just go up and try to also introduce yourself to her by grabing his hand at the same time, this may send a subtle hint to both of them, later on you can tell him it made you uncomfortable.

  • This is very disrespectful, i would be having a wee chat and finding out what was going on with it.

  • he was meeting her son - does your boyfriend or do you have a child around the same age as the other child. did you ask if maybe she was someone he had grown up with? did you ask him why he exchanged phone numbers and addresses with her?

    how old are you two?

  • Yup, seems he was paying too much attention to the other woman.

  • Yes, that is very disrespectful.

  • very disrespectful

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