do pediatricians see blood?

i want to be a pediatrician and im ok with some blood like for example, giving someone a blood test or a bloody nose or a shot, but im not ok with surgery blood or like when theres blood all over someones body or face. What do pediatricians to that they have to see blood?, and do you have to work with blood in medical school, if so what do u have to do?


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  • Pediatricians are medical doctors that specialize in the treatment of children. They are going to see blood, especially on injured children. Be it something like a lip that needs a couple of stitches from a fall on the sidewalk to things we don't like to think about.

    If you cannot handle blood, you really ought to consider another field than medicine or health care.

  • You have no business being an MD of any kind if you can not handle blood. Yes, you will have to deal with this in med-school and during residency. YOu are just going to have to desensitize yourself to it.

  • Here's a bit about the profession by one already in it. I hope this helps.

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