How can I copy a DO NOT DUPLICATE key?

About a week ago I needed a locksmith to come out to my house and break in. Well, he got in, but in doing so, broke the cylinders inside the door knob. Instead of arranging them back the way they were, he did it differently and made new keys for me. Well, he only made me a couple, and I need more. I didn't realize until I got to the locksmith shop here that the keys he made had "DO NOT DUPLICATE" on them.

I tried explaining my situation to two different locksmiths and they still said they couldn't do it. This is really stupid because my ORIGINAL house keys didn't even have that engraving on them. The locksmith that came to my house is a good hour away. The locksmiths close by that i tried wouldn't make me copies even if they talked to the guy that made the keys for me (his shop and number are right there engraved on the keys..!)....

So anyway, what can I do?


  • Simple but effective

    Buy one of those color rubber things that goes over the end of keys {you’ll have to buy a pack about 4.00 sold at hardware stores } it will cover the “do not duplicate” and most hardware stores with older machines do not need it removed {leave key on a key ring and put a couple other keys on the ring using the other color things }

  • Well it depends on if it's just stamped on the key or if it's engraved and has a patent number on it. Some locksmiths won't duplicate a key that has been stamped " Do Not Duplicate" out of ethic's and some can't because they are high security keys. If they are high security keys and you didn't want them, then the guy who came out is trying to lock you into doing business only with him.This happens a lot, unfortunately. If you live in an apartment, the landlord may have the patented keys so that you can't have them duplicated. You usually have to put a deposit down and get them through the office.

    If I were you, just replace the lock by going to your closest locksmith and have them help you. Especially if you need to match it to the other locks on the house.

    Good luck and I hope this helps you.

  • you wont find any reputable locksmith or keyshop that will duplicate that key.

    You have a couple of choices....

    Since it is just a house key, and a really easy and available blank, you could try different hardware stores to copy the key for you. Most people wont do it becuase they don't want to get into trouble, but if you find someone that doesn't really give a sh*t, and is willing to help you out, then they might do it. I have made copies for people of keys that i wasn't suppose to. Like I said....when I didn't give a crap. could change the lock set. You should be able to find a set for about 12 bucks at a hardware store if money is tight. the locksmith that came out and tell him you need copies of the key that he provided for you. He can either make the copies, or provide a key that doesn't have the dreaded "do not duplicate" stamp on it. Not really sure why he provided you with that key anyways.....

  • Do Not Duplicate Key

  • My suggestion would be to either call back the original locksmith and have him rekey it back to your original key, or get a new lockset.

    Many answerers are suggesting "concealing" the Do Not Duplicate stamp, but this will not work. For starters, locksmiths and hardware store employees will know that you're hiding something and secondly, these keys are usually cut from proprietary blanks that many locksmiths and hardware stores will not have on hand. So it's not that they don't want to, or are afraid to - they can't.

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    How can I copy a DO NOT DUPLICATE key?

    About a week ago I needed a locksmith to come out to my house and break in. Well, he got in, but in doing so, broke the cylinders inside the door knob. Instead of arranging them back the way they were, he did it differently and made new keys for me. Well, he only made me a couple, and I need...

  • Be sure to leave very negative feedback on sites like Yelp and rip-off report. This locksmith should be put out of business if possible. I would also file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. In essence, the locksmith you hired is a thief.

  • Buy new locks, or call the locksmith and ask him to mail you a key without the words "Do Not Duplicate".

  • Take it to lowes and use the self serve automatic key maker (I think it's called minute key)

  • Change the lock. I think it is irresponsible (or unethical) of the locksmith to give you keys so labeled thus forcing you to go to him for keys. Change the lock, it's easy to do and in the long run will cost you less.

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