why do most Christians think of a pentagram as evil?

the pentagram is mostly reconized as related to wiccans now a days.i allready know the story behind the pentagram just want to see what other christians think.


  • I wonder that myself, given its history.

    For a time, it was the official seal of the city of Jerusalem.

    It was also used by medieval Christians to symbolize the five wounds of Christ, and figured in the heavily symbolic Arthurian romances.

    It also represents the proportions of the human body. The pentagram was commonly used (ironically) against witches and demons.

    It was not until the twentieth century that the pentagram became associated with Satanism.

  • Because the Wiccans claim it as their own - along with some other Pagans. With this association the pentagram as seen as relating to Witchcraft and seen as a symbol of evil.

    The truth is that the pentagram does not belong to one religious sect. It's been used by many societies throughout time. It was even used by Christians to represent the five wounds of Christ.

    The whole pentagram upside down as a symbol of the devil - along with other Satanic associations only began to surface in modren times. The 19th century was when the goat head in the upside pentagram was created by a Christian who claimed to use this to prove it was Satanic.

    After LaVey and the Wiccans each claimed it as their own symbol (continuing the nonsense of righ side 'good' and upside down 'bad) the symbol took on a negative meaning to those outside of these groups.

    The pentagram occurs in nature - look at the shell of a sand dollar. Perfect pentagram in it's shell. It occurs in apples - cut them cross wise - the seeds make a pentagram. To say it is evil - or represents evil is a misnomer.

  • During the early years of Christianity, the pentagram was a powerful image among the pagans. When Christians realized that people were not going to ignore it, they demonized it.

  • It was a symbol related to the old religions and Christianity turned the old religions into the "evil enemy" a long time ago.

  • Here's a little word to Jay:

    Gardner came before LaVey

  • Simple answer: Ignorance.

  • Because they're not aware of the fact that it used to be used pretty heavily as a Christian symbol.

  • it's mostly associated with devil worship. the average Christian doesn't know about wicca. they believe what they were told as chidlren.

  • The pentegram has been a satanic symbol since long before wicca has been around. It is one of the reasons that Jews, Christians, and Muslims look at wicca...and all forms of witchcraft...as being evil and that of Satan.

  • Because it's origins are that of satan himself. The five point star is actually a ram in the most primal form of lines. It is surrounded by the circle to show that satan is surrounded with himself and other horrors. It doesn't matter what religion is using the symbol, it will always be associated with satan.

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