am i emo enuf?????????????????
hey guys </3.... --xemopanda101x here
ok so evrone at school always makes fun of me and thinks im goth? but im not im emo.
i like to slit my wrist , i like drawing emo too, things i like ti draw - emo pandas, teddy bears cutting their wrist, emo boy sitting in the corner of his room with a name tag saying "hello my name is wrist slitter emo" teddy bears holding their hearts in their hand (bleeding) bleeding roses, with petals falling off. my fav store is emobannana, mostly cause i love brass knuckles, bats, bleeding roses, and etc on my clothing, cause i like to express what i am with my clothing :'/ i'm bisexual and i still use mysapce, i love putting sad depressing quotes all over my shoes (my converse shoes only shoes i wear!) and on all my pictures, all my pics are at a high angle of me looking down and crying cause i cry a lot
i hate my life. all in black and white just like my life </3...
if you search up on youtube emo hair and makeup that's like how i do my everyday look, besides most of its running down my face from crying, my dad always makes me clean my room, take out trash, do homework, and hates me wearing so much makeup so i cri a lot i really can't help it.
fav color black and red idk if i said that. i love depressing songs that make me wanna dye even more. i will listen to hardcore metal sometimes, like asking alexandria, sleeping with sirens, black viel brides, just look up 'what are some good emo/scene bands?' and that's what i listen to.
anyway i dont think my frnds know should i tell them tomorror?
bye guys, emo panda out. </3 ~~~i'm shattered and bleeding in my soul~~
Life is a lack-abis, its so dark, and its suffocating me, garbing a hole of me and tightening its grip... Tighter than a pair of my little sisters jeans (Which look great on me BTW) <333
Dude, each and every 14 year previous boy is EMO. there is this manner of great style of chemical reactions occurring on your physique appropriate now, that's like a nuclear explosion. are not getting caught up in what you're or what you at the instant are not. you're in simple terms you, and that's all. i could supply up wearing the girl stuff, however
honestly... if your cutting you wrists just to be in the label or "emo" then your just low. its called self harm and only people who cut themslef because they seek attention and dont know things call it "emo" if you seeking attention and sympathy or trying to be "emo" then stop. cuz its ******* annoying and also your trying wayyyyyyyyyy too hard which is annoying and your just another poser.
Making fun of people for self harm and lifestyle choice is judgemental and disgraceful. You are pathetic.
I sense you are just a troll..and "making fun" of people who cut themselves it one of the lowest things you can do.
You have shown me a complete lack of knowledge of emo. Please, do your research - emo is not about sadness, cutting, etc.
you need a relationship with Jesus!
you should find better things to spend your time on.... and find jesus.
No. Try harder