Guess her astrological sign?

I've been dating a woman (not long) and am curious what her astrological sign is (mainly just for fun). Yes I could ask her, but I don't put too much stock into it and I don't believe she does either (again this is more for kicks). I know her birth month, which it's July. So either Cancer or Leo. If this stuff is real I hope it's Leo because I'm an Aries. A little about her: loves to travel (worldwide), does charity work in other countries sometimes, much more social than not, doesn't ask too many questions but doesn't mind answering about herself, naturally wavy hair, two college degrees, has many guys after her etc. Again, this stuff is mainly for fun/boredom with me, so please no smart*** answers.


  • She can have a Sun in Cancer with Ascendant, Mercury and Venus in Leo.


    She can have a Sun in Leo with Ascendant, Mercury and Venus in Cancer.

    I am going with Sun in Cancer. Let us know.

  • just because some people twist and judge astrology on very basic terms doesn't mean the whole field should be written off. Your argument is also false because your assuming you are your sun sign ALONE. you are not just your sun sign, you chart would show a whole variety of different signs, which would affect you on different levels eg how do you communicate/perceive reality (mercury), how do you react emotionally to things (moon sign) etc etc knowing a bit about astrology before you attack it would lessen your prejudice against it and stop your from associating a few peoples take on it to be the whole field. also your statements are very generic eg 'i love being in love' - who doesn't? (ok maybe a capricorn sadist) p.s your a crazy leo. or at least some fire sign (or scorpio which is mars/god of war influenced) and if your not get your chart made and you would probably have fire influences. why? - you like looking beautiful (very leo - the king of the jungle likes to brush its mane) - you love to have an audience (leo is the drama queen - we are the audience, leo is always the star) - i cry alot, but only because i like it (leo again, being the drama queen would love this) - do you practice crying in the mirror? etc etc get your WHOLE chart done

  • Well she could be a Cancer with Mercury in Leo. You can never just assume because we have more placements. Like, I'm a Libra yet I'm super quiet because of my Scorpio Mercury. So, she could also be a Cancer with Leo influence... sounds Leoish though.

  • Cancer girls are into pets and babies. Or a pet can be her baby LoL.

    Leo girls do charity and are always concerned about poverty.

    If she answers perfect things about herself that you end up saying -wow, really?- then she is Leo. If she talks about herself like -I´m good at this but I still have more to learn- then she is Cancer. Both of them are talkative but Leo girls want to look amazing to get fans and Cancer girls like to look down to earth to get long-term friends.

  • Sounds like a Leo.

  • I'm a Leo and that sounds a lot like me. My guess is Leo.

  • She does sound like a Leo.

  • if she likes talking about herself then she's definitely leo

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