Menstrual Issues?

I am almost 18, and have had my period since I was 10. (Not early for the women in my family). Since I have had it, I have always been extremely heavy, had excruciatingly painful cramps and been very irregular. I was put on the birth control pill about 6 or 8 months ago. It barely has done anything.

I have no real idea what the cause could be or what can help. I was thinking endometriosis, but not all of my symptoms fit with it. It is the only thing I can think of, or have found that it could be.

Do any of you have any ideas?

I see my family doctor this Thursday. So please do not say "Go to a doctor".


No one else in may family has had these issues, just the women start their periods early.


  • I have had this in my past life. I had to deal with this with birth control pills. The pills helped for awhile then stopped. I could not work long shifts or go to college. I had to deal with this for 16 years before my doctor would do anything.I think you may have fibroids this is what I had all along. I think they just push you to the side as long as they can until you have your children. Then want to tell you you need the uterus removed. This is what did solve my problem it was not the stress they had said before or the swollen uterus from my c-sections. It was fibroids! Good Luck With Your Career Path!

  • Given your family history, this doesn't sound unusual nor does it sound like you will have to live with with these not so fun periods forever. Sometimes things will improve with age and even more-so once you've given birth. Did your Mom mention whether or not her periods improved, even a little, after she had her children? For now, you're doing the right thing by seeing your doctor. Whenever periods are irregular as well as super heavy one of the things they will most likely look for is polycystic ovaries--blood tests as well as an ultrasound will probably be used to help diagnose what's going on with you. Even if it's not PCOS blood tests will rule it out and the ultrasound will visualize the lining of your uterus and your ovaries. Birth control pills are often used and frequently helpful. In your situation, a change in the current dosage and/or way of using the pill may be all you need to finally get some regularity as well as shorter and more comfortable periods. I am hopeful that, with good care, and a proper diagnosis, things will improve greatly for you in the next month or so. Take care.

  • I hate to say it, but some people are just cursed with severe periods. You can try another birth control pill, but it may not make much difference.

    If you think it's something more than that, you can ask your doctor to run thryoid and hormone tests, because there are rare conditions that can cause this, like pcos.

  • It sounds like this is just normal for you. I am similar, heavy flow with terrible cramping and other symptoms. The pill has also done nothing for me. Endometriosis is possible, mention that when you go and see your doc.

  • heheh i hate when people tell me to go to the doctoor thats y i ask here so i wont have to if its nothing serious! mayb try i new pill im not very good at these answers but try a new see what happens

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