How to enlarge my penis naturalllyyy?????

I am 15 and not happy wid ma penis

iwant it to be longer

wht do i doo

any exercises???????????????


  • There is NOTHING you can do or take that will permenantly enlarge your penis ..... Saying that you measured properly .... you are a little large ....

    However...Penis size is determined by genetics .... maybe this will help you .... : While there is really NO average , so to speak for teens ....

    If you wish to know just how you compare with other guys ...

    Use this to see just how well you are hung ... There have been numerous studies done to determine what the "Average" size of the male penis is and NOT any two of those studies gave the same results ....

    Back in 1990 Men's Health did a study on the Average size of the Adult male penis and decided that it was just at 6 Inches ...

    Just six years later ... The Journal of Urology did their survey and came up with an Average of 5.08 Inches for the Adult Male Penis ..

    Then in 2000 ; The Journal for Impotency Research did their study and found Average to be 5.35 Inches .... while that same year, Lifestyles Condoms did a study that came up with 5.9 Inches ....

    Cool Nurse in 2007 said that 6.1 Inches to 6.5 inches. However; they even admits that they feel that the participants LIED as they measured their own penises without a monitor etc ... so their results need to be discounted to a certain degreee ....

    Some say the Lifestyles study is WRONG because they only used 500 men ; while the other studies did at least 5,000.

    NOTE: That until the age of 20-22 ; MOST males and their penis will continue to grow .... However ... a penis can stop growing at any age as can your height .. they both don't have to stop and / or continue at the same time.

    With all things considered ... Most Authorities now say that the AVERAGE Male "ADULT" Penis is 5.2 to 5.5 Inches when fully erect ....

  • You are young your penis will grow till you 20-21 so be patient dude.

  • the only safe, sane, risk free way to make a penis bigger is to finish puberty which, in your case has 3 or more years to run yet.

  • don"t worry at this teen age body your feeling is too high concentrated and it can spoil your future life.i.e you have to think present,it is not time of sex,you are try to understand your self or otherwise consult a good doctor.

  • Tie a string to your penis then tie the other end to a door and slam it.... Problem solved.

  • tap your heels three times and make a wish !

  • i think master baiting helps I'm not sure

  • Pray...alot.

  • Dont worry it will increase as u r too young

  • put a magnifying glass in front of it

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