How do you mark a message as "not spam" ?

In the "Spam Protection" part of the Options, it says you can mark a message as "not spam." however, I cannot seem to find the button which you can use to mark messages as "not spam." I keep getting messages filtered out that I want to go to my inbox, but I can't figure out how to mark them as "not spam." How do you do this/where is the button?


  • If you discover a message in the Bulk folder that is actually a 'good' message, you can open it. When it is open, you will see the "Not Spam" button just above the message. Clicking this button will move the mail back to the Inbox and remove any block that is against that address.

  • To ensure you get mail from whoever, add the address to your contacts list

  • moveit to the inbox first and then its possible

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