qm pode responder essas perguntas pra mim?

1 observe the text quickly and answer.

Englis The principal language of britain, ireland, canada, the usa, austrakia, new zealand an parts of the west indies, also widely spoken in south africa, the indian subcontinent, all the former british and american colonies and elsewhere. With around 350 milion native speakers and an unknown but huge number of people who speak it as a second language, english ranks only behind mandarin chinese in numbers, but it is unquestionably the world's premier language for diplomacy, business, science, technology, navigation and air traffic control, popular culture, and almost everything else. English is a germanic language which developed originally from the speech of the anglo- saxons who invaded britain from the continent around the fifth century AD.

a). onde costumamos encontrar textos como este?

b). quem é o provavel leitor de textos como este?

c). que tipo de informação o texto deve conter?

2.read the text and find in it:

a). a palavra "falantes" em ingles:

b).o numero de falantes nativos de ingles:

c).a lingua com mais falantes nativos no mundo:

d).o numero de falantes de ingles como segunda lingua:

e). a lingua mais importante atualmente nos campos de ciencia e tecnologia:

f).nove paises ou regiões onde o ingles é falado:

3.in the sentence "english ranks only behind mandarin chinese in numbers, but it is unquestionably the world's premier language for diplomacy, business, science, tchnology, navigation and air traffic control, popular culture, and almost everything else":

a)encontre 8 palavras transparentes no texto.

b)o verbo "ranks" ilustra que tempo verbal?justifique sua resposta.

c)pense num outro exemplo para ilustrar a locução "almost everything else".

4.all the statements below are about the english language, but they are all false. rewrite them in the negative form to make them true.

a) english is the most widely spoken first language in the world.

b) england has more english speakers than the united states.

c) the english alphabet contains 24 letters.

d) the pronunciation of the portuguese word "pai" is the same as the english word "pie".

e) native speakers of english have the same accent.

5.choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences.

a) if you don't (remember/remind)the maening of a word you can ask your (teaching/teacher).

b) there are about 7,000 languages in the world but some of them(are dying/is dying)

c) some students (like/liking) to guess the meaning of new words when they(read/reads)

d) it(is/isn't) sometimes difficult to define the meaning of a word. that's why some learners(prefers/prefes) to have the translation of words.

e) (do you use/you use) a dictionary when you(not understand/don't understand) the meaning of a word?

f) is your vocabulary(improve/improving) this year?


  • deu uma preguiça danada só de ver esse texto, acho q ninguem vai ler isso tudo


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