Do you think Tea Party groups deserve Tax Exempt status?

They are lying that they are not political. Who do they think they are fooling?

They don't say "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

They get huge million dollar contrbutions from unknown "donors".


"Most fox news and cons are miserable people that can only get a rush from bashing liberals",,,,


  • First of all, they don't have to be strictly nonpolitical to qualify for tax exempt status. Educate yourself. They aren't lying.

    I don't think any political group deserves tax exempt status. That doesn't change the fact that the IRS illegally and unethically acts as an attack dog for Obama and the Democrats. If this was just about whether they deserved their statuses according to the law, the IRS would have simply denied them and moved on.

    Instead, the IRS kept their applications in limbo for more than two years while rubber-stamping applications from liberal groups. It also illegally leaked their confidential information to liberal groups and asked them a litany of invasive, unnecessary, and irrelevant questions fashioned to intimidate and discourage them.

    I don't know why I even bother with you. You have already demonstrated you don't care about the facts.

  • Stupid question and god all the low information ignorant one left leaning organization that has tax exempt status that is not political idiots starting with Air America wonder most ignorant inept President in history

  • Most of us agree with you, the tax-dodging Tea Party does NOT deserve any freeloading 501(c)(4) tax exemption...they ARE "politically involved" (and that disqualifies them). Karl Rove's group he calls "Crossroads GPS" should also have their exemption revoked (and he should be required to REPAY us taxpayers for every single penny the group has fraudulently drawn.

  • Tea Party groups are not Churches, they're non-profits. Do you really want to pursue this to it's obvious conclusion? If so, you can kiss Media Matters, Move and all your lefty non-profits good-bye!

  • Of course not. They are partisan, political action groups clearly supporting a candidate. Tax them out of existence.

  • They say they they help educate people and spread knowledge and on that basis they are tax exempt

  • Should I answer truthfully or just ape what the other head-bobbing liberal drones have already said. Just pick the one that affirms your position and award it BA.

  • Do you think the IRS deserves a "break"?

    Lets just get rid of the IRS!

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