How do make my baby sister control her temper?

My sister is 7 years now. She's been like this for as long as I can remember. She HAS to get it the way she wants it. Her older sister(my younger sister) is 13, and the same way, just a little better. Her other older sister, 10 years, has become just like me. She has to "please" her younger sister or else she will get yelled at by our parents.

For example, today I was playing a board game with my two youngest sisters. I suggested we'd do rock, paper, scissors to decide who would go first. The youngest one crossed her arms and started crying while yelling "That's not fair!" The 10-yr. old one suggested we'd let her go first, but I told her no. I ended up having the two of them do rock, paper, scissors. The bigger sister won, and the little one crossed her arms AGAIN and started to cry AGAIN. Then the bigger one tried to comfort her, saying "Best out of three!"

That's just one scenario. VERY typical scenario. Our parents aren't doing anything about it, therefore I will have to.


Thanks for the answers. I'm a little afraid to take over my parents' job, but I only want the best for her. As she is now she'll be the worst ***** ever when she grows up. The only thing I'm afraid of about taking over parenting her like that is that my mom will yell at me for trying to "change her precious daughter."


  • Tell her, from the beginning, that if she acts like a baby, the game will be put away and no one will play. Let her know that she is getting too old and that she is too pretty to keep behaving in that way. Explain to her that she is getting older and will not be able to keeps friends or be invited to special events with them if she can't learn to use her manners, be fair and not get mad so easily. Children who aren't related to her, don't have to put up with it and they usually won't. Maybe you can video tape her and let her watch herself and see if she likes what she's seeing.

  • well... sometimes sayig best out of three ist a bad thing and since the older sister is kind about it this is good. But explain to the youngest that sometimes she wont be able to go first and sometimes things cant always be her way! The only way to teach her this is to let her experience it at times.

  • I think your parents have gotten tired and disinterested in doing their job. They mistakenly believe she will be fine. She will become increasingly demanding and more and more demonstrative over time. You must be determined to remain in control. Do not reward her bad behavior by allowing her to have her way. If things go too far with her acting out, walk away and refuse to give her any attention. Your parents are trying to find an easy way out of disciplining her. Turning a deaf ear and a blind eye to her bad behavior will turn her into a spoiled, unpleasant child no one can tolerate.

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