Temporary loss of appetite or anorexia relapse?

I haven't been eating a lot lately, been getting maybe 400-500 cals at most. For a little over a week, eating has just not been the easiest thing to do. Normally, I eat a really great diet, but I just haven't been able to eat it. I don't feel weak, or hungry enough to really eat. I can take a couple bites of something before the thought of food just nauseates me. I wish I could eat more calorie dense foods, but I have Crohn's, so that stuff really doesn't go down well...

I can't even drink things that have calories...so it's been sugar free stuff.

This probably wouldn't worry me if I hadn't had a nasty run-in with anorexia some years back...

Does it sound more like a temporary thing or anorexia?


  • It's hard to tell, but I know you know that you don't want to go down the road of anorexia again. It wouldn't hurt to see your doc to make sure it isn't sometihng else. You need to force yourself to eat more or the anorexia mindset may sneak up on you.

  • It's good you are concerned about your health. You could either be sick or depressed. Actually, you sound really depressed. But, as you said, this could be a relapse, so just to be safe, make sure you see your doctor as soon as possible!

  • Talk to your doctor! Now!

    Take care of yourself.

  • you need to see your doctor.

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