Is HomosexuaIity a disability?


No it's not a way of life, you are born with a sexuality the same way you are born with an arm or a leg. You can't change it. The only 'way of life' is if you are a shy gay or a pervert gay, just like a straight person could be.


  • Is Homosexuality a disability? The answers are 'No.'

  • No. It is not a disability. Being gay doesn't even prevent you from having biological children as you can use in-vitro and/or have sex with a female (and yes I do personally know gay men who did to get a kid out of it).

    A disabiltiy means you are unable to do something (you lack an "ability" DIS"ability") and gay folks don't lack any ability.

    Now if you ask if they are DISCRIMINATED against that's a whole different ballgame.

  • It could be argued that it is, but then again all sin can be argued that it is. Is gossiping a disability? Is lying? Stealing? Self-centeredness? We were born with the sin nature; therefore we sin. Does it give us some kind of lack of ability to not sin? YES! Is that something that should be held up with stricter laws to accept people with certain kinds of sins more than accepting others with certain kinds of sins? If you buy that one, then let the next rapist let out of prison early live in your home, not mine.

    I do believe we're all born with a certain propensity to sin in a particular way. There is a way out of that. Jesus. For those who chose to continue on in our sin (and sin is sin in thought, word or deed - it runs that deep), thus try to rationalize that which can't be rationalized past "I just want to do it," I really don't think we need extra laws to make any sin socially acceptable. (Society does make some sins socially acceptable - especially gossiping - so law doesn't need to govern socially acceptable.)

    And, if you now assume I must be "a homophobe right wing, wacko Christian," you are entirely free to assume whatever you want to assume. The truth is I really do believe all I've just written, but, if we get into the aspect of law, then homosexuals should be able to cohabitate with all the legal aspects freely given to heterosexuals who cohabitate. Since Power of Attorney for life and death medical situations is given to unmarried cohabitating heterosexuals, then it should also apply to unmarried cohabitating homosexuals. Since retirement plans are past along to surviving unmarried heterosexuals who have been in long-term relationships, the same should be true for homosexuals.

    I merely draw the line at marriage. That "sanctified by God" is the hurdle modern law cannot/should not force us to jump. "Sanctified" is an important word. (Stuff you didn't ask, but I answered anyway.)

    And, again, this does get back to what I was just complaining about - PC has trumped common sense. Bantering the same nonsense over and over again does not make it true, even if it works for the majority of people who do not wish to think things out themselves.

    Homosexuality is merely another kind of sin, not a socially-acceptable disability.

  • whats disableing about it ?, it dosnt prevent u from doing anything, u do not struggle physically or mentally, the only mental torture some would suffer from would be stress of hiding it because of some ppl in sociaty who see it as wrong

    you are born gay, its your sexual preferance and its not a disability : ) thats obvious

    good luck to u x

  • If you aren't able to find women attractive as a man, you're disabled.

  • Cute.

  • I think twunt put it best when he said: stfu

    EDIT: No it's a way of life, like buying a BMW and not been let out at junctions.

  • come on, that is not funny

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