Pseudo transsexuals?

Can anyone classify pseudo transsexuals for me? who are they? what do they want? why do they always try to hide under the transsexual term/label? what is their agenda? I'm sick of them. I truly am.


I have nothing against anybody as long as they don't hide until the false pretense of something else in order to achieve an agenda which harms transsexual people overall.


  • Hi,

    You are right you know? I just can´t stand these shemales who say all the time they are transsexual to their clients...It would be nice if they would say the truth that they are men that want to look feminine in order to get money and play in porn.

    Shemales are not transsexuals!!!

  • It seems that the issue is missed by many here. Not all thankfully. Sadly, there are those such a shemales that use the term transsexual while not being transsexual at all. And YES this does hurt us and our cause. Our issue as true transsexuals is that of a medical condition and not a sexual orientation or kink issue. Are we hung up on the binary? Yes we are and that is just fine with me. It seems that the only ones who whine about that concept is the ones who are into being genderqueer and shemales! Those people have virtually no concept of what it is to be transsexual. They think they do but they do not! Their agenda is the same as the LGBT communities gay agenda. Ours is distinctly different as is our reasons for transition in the first place. Their is sexual orientation. I too have nothing against them but do not want to be confused with them. And no David a FtM would fully transition to male if it were medically and financially possible. They are not gendequeer of maleshe types. They deserve more respect than you give them. Most true transsexuals are sick of them hun! This is why so many are becoming separatists.

    Atta girl Jessica M!!!

  • I'm sort of torn about this issue. On one hand, I think everybody has the right to present themselves how they choose. On the other hand, as a trans woman, I realize that the primary source for information on trans people in the US is Jerry Springer and as such to most people trans = 50 year old man in dress. And there ARE a lot more 50 year old men in dresses then there are transsexual people.

    The problem is that with there being more fetishistic cross dressing men then transsexual women (sorry to all the trans guys, but the visibility issue seems to be way more prevalent for women) is that in a Jerry Springer-fueled culture, people don't know there IS a distinction. Very simply, a man in a cocktail gown and six inch heels and overdone makeup is going to stand out a lot more then a trans woman who typically wants to avoid (undue) attention.

    One thing that drives me crazy is when cross dressers imply that what they're doing is a lesser degree of transsexuality by TRYING to compliment me by saying I'm brave for transitioning. Being transsexual does NOT mean spending all day in six inch heels instead of a few hours on a Saturday night. Being a transsexual woman means that I identify as female and just have to work a little harder to get my body to line up with that identity. It has nothing to do with clothes or makeup or presentation of any variety.

    So... I don't know how to feel about it. For crossdressing men, dressing like a woman is (usually) a fetishistic hobby. For transsexual women, our identity as women is the issue, and our presentation AS women is secondary to that. I don't have any issue with men dressing up like an unrealistic hyper-sexualized version of female. I'm not better then crossdressing men in any way. It does make me mad when they try to equate transsexuality with crossdressing though. At the end of the night, they'll put away all their clothes and come Monday morning, they'll go to work as a man and be fine with it. Transsexuality is NOT a hobby, fetishistic or otherwise. We can't just put it away when it's inconvenient. To have your life compared to a hobby IS pretty insulting.

    I guess what it comes down to is that crossdressing is an activity whereas transsexuality is something you ARE. I don't have any problem with crossdressing men at all. Just don't try to make it out that your hobby is somehow comparable to my whole life.

  • Wow. Sounds like someone is determined to crank up the hate machine. Here we go again, looks like yet another day of no world peace. Aside from classifying them as pseudo transsexuals I'd chalk them up as human beings and call it a day.

  • i dont really understand your question.

    Are you talking about people who are genderqueer or transgender like myself who have surgery and hormones? if so youre talking about at least half of the whole population of people who transition to some degree- its especially popular amongst FTMs. You might get one who looks exactly the same as the man standing next to him, having chest surgery and testosterone, but the difference between them is one says he is male and the other says he is living as a man but is a transperson.

    some transsexuals feel that transgender people make a mockery of them. I disagree. I feel that thats the same as saying that straight people feel that lesbians and gays make a mockery of them. Sure you identify as a certain biological sex and thats your right to do so, but that does not mean that transpeople cannot go and have surgery and live as the sex they want too. and as for crossdressers and drag queens and sex workers who like to be ladyboys and such, thats their issue. as long as you know who you are it doesnt matter about them. im sorry that people out there are so ignorant and ill infomed and it makes me angry when they answer people asking genuine questions on YA and they come out with all this crap about what they 'think' trans is, but youll always get those.

  • so, you have a problem with the general transgendered population if they aren't transsexual? those people don't claim to be transsexual that i know of. i don't like crossdressers being included in the trans community. i don't understand them and it seems that their femininity is superficial and stereotyped, but i don't have a problem with genderqueer and whatnot. i want a full transition myself and want to pass completely as a female (although a "liberated" female in some of my hobbies), but if some wish to be androgynes or if they pass but embrace a trans identity, that's fine with me. it sounds like you're too obsessed with the gender binary. it's fine that you personally wish to define yourself as one gender, but that doesn't mean that everyone should! i'd love to be 100% woman, but i'm not up for all the deception that living stealth requires, so i've come to terms with a trans woman identity.

  • Well, before you get too sick of anybody, the very structure of your sentence proves that you do not know what you are talking about. 'Pseudo-' indeed. Find some sensible questions to ask.

  • Start with the person in the mirror, once you fix that one, then start worrying about things like "World peace, starving children and $4.00 a gallon for gasoline.

  • Wow, you know so little about them and you are sick of them? That makes no sense.

  • well im sure there sick of you.

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