Do men prefer size 8's to size 12's?


clothes size, dress size whatever?


  • Nothing wrong with a toned 12. Now, a 12 with a muffin-top and a "don't care" attitude is something to avoid. You should at least look like you try to take care of yourself.

  • The size 8 will tend to get the second looks, but if you are talking about a long term relationship it all depends on personality, not on dress size.

  • Hi there, its down to personal choice, I prefer a larger size girl so would go for the 12. I certainly appreciate the curves.

  • estelle:

    what are you referring to? dress size, height, one shoe size what, head size or the size of a man's penis?

    You need to be more specific in your question & give details if the question is not enough clear enough.

  • I think it's more to do with the face tbh, however anything much bigger than a 12 is a big turn off.

  • i like the bigger girl cus im big too, alot depends on size of the bloke i think

  • This one does not.

  • no i HATE thin girls... i need something to jiggle about not a stick in bed

  • they dont mind ...other things attract them at first

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