Does this disturb you?

Getting vitamins by perscription only, that's

what the FDA is wanting to put in effect.

Learn How the Pharmaceutical Industry & the FDA

are Endangering Your Health for Profit.

When you are sick it is highly profitable to various giant corporations.

When you are well, it doesn't profit them much at all.

(Please note that at times drugs are

necessary and helpful, some can be

effectively treated without drugs or


This tells me that people are very successful

treating their selves or the pharmaceutical

companies wouldn't feel so threatened

Check out this web site for more info.

Sign the petition to stop the FDA from taking our

vitamins away


  • You bet! It is just another money-grab/rip-off. If they could, they would control every aspect of our lives, while stuffing their pockets. It has nothing to do with our welfare and everything to do with their greed and corruption! Good question!

  • You know...I've thought about this alot. I have heard they could find a cure for cancer but won't release it because of all the money it generates to treat it. I don't want to believe it's true, but who knows?? My daughter had a liver transplant years ago and I've heard horror stories about harvesting organs, selling/buying kidneys etc, it horrifies me.

  • oh well i know i am cool coz you wrote too long i am lazy to read coz i am earning points at the moment

  • GO VITAMINS GO!!!!!!!

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