Yahoo Extra-email?

I have just created the new yahoo extra email account.

I wanted to know will I be recieving a copy of all the messages that are sent and recieved at the yahoo extra email address also. If not, then does anyone know how to set it such a way, so I would recieve email sent and recieved at yahoo extra email address? please help


  • ALL Yahoo mail goes the same place if the address was set up as an extra to the existing account. The "extra" address is just an alternate name for the same account. You can create a filter if you wish to put all mail to address A in in one folder and address B in another folder.

    If they are two distinct Yahoo IDs then you log onto each one separately.

  • If you are talking about a second Yahoo mail account, no, you won't -- and you can only get "forwarding" as part of the Premium Service of Mail Plus, which costs money.

    If you are using the alternate account as the Yahoo Answers account, the mail from HERE will go there -- but not to the first account.

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