pnuemonia/pluerisy asthma?

I was diagnosed has having pluerisy-the doctor said it was brought on by pnuemonia I have had 5 different antibiotics stronger each time.I also had steriod tablets because of asthma brought on by imflamed brochal tubes.I have had these symptoms now for 6 weeks- i am still out of breath when i exhurt myself in any way at all. i am better than i was.My question is can anyone tell me how long these symtoms are likely to last for.I am not a vey emotional person normally but i have shed many a tears just wondering have long i am going to feel so run down and out of breath for,Any help would be vary welcome Kate


  • I must be careful as you are not my patient, the story is sketchy and I have not examined you. I will however pass some general comments.

    As long ago as 1996 a Lord's Committee stated that between 50 and 85% of all antibiotics were prescribed inappropriately.

    More than 85% of chesty episodes are viral, and many of the rest, though bacterial are not affected by antibiotics.

    Only 5% of patients who have chestiness at 3 weeks can be shown to have bacterial disease.

    If you give a patient one antibiotic and they don't get better be suspicious your diagnosis and management may be wrong, give them 2 with no improvement and it is likely to be wrong. Give them 3 and........

    I think you should be looking for a secong opinion from a chest physician who knows what he is doing.

    I hope that at the very least, at this stage you have had a chest x-ray a sputum sample and some routine blood tests!

  • After the pneumonia think ofyou've got more suitable atelactisis it truly is largely the give way of the alveoli air sacs on your lungs. Taking the interior maximum breathes you could a minimum of four or 5 situations each hour can help to reopen them. The steroid pills help cut back inflammation on your lungs and once you end taking them you lose the anti inflammatory reward. Your lungs might want to be annoyed and constricted from all that they have got been by. As for the 100 and fifty i assume that replaced right into a height flow meter interpreting....if you're having no asthms indications.. it will be round 500. If it replaced into me i might want to bypass to the pro. wish you get feeling extra useful quickly.

  • nobody can be sure how long you are going to feel like this but keep having the doctor to do regular checks.i had the same problem and was on antibiotics,steroid tablets,ventolin inhaler and a steroid inhaler and it took about 6 months for me to feel back to pretty normal with my breathing,dont want to make you feel worst by saying that but its my experience and i know exactly how you are feeling.If you aren not on any inhalers it maybe worth asking your doc as they do help.

  • Mangosteen xanthones are powerful anti-inflammatories. They have anti-viral qualities that can lead to a reduction in the number of viral infections in humans. They are very potent anti-oxidents and help to counteract the free radical damage of air polution, and finally, they have been shown to have anti-allergy effects.

    Does it not seem obvious that he use of a multipurpose supplement would be beneficial to to prevent or treat asthma? In fact, mangosteen extract is an ideal agent to deal with all four asthma pathologies: infection, inflammation, free radical damage and allergic triggers.

    A word of caution : while mild intermittent disease may be completely controlled with mangosteen, and while its use will also benefit all categories of asthmatics, do not discontinue your medications without your physician's consent.

  • Hi , there i have had pluerisy severe times before because of my lung disease. It can take while to fully get over it and feel like your self again. I know how you feel it suck's ! my advise is don't stress out over it .Because stress make any thing with the lungs worse . Take it as easy as you can ,make sure you get plenty of rest that's the key .

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