Cool names for my Graphic Design company?

Hi. I am starting my own Graphic Design company and need help thinking of a cool name. I have thought of a few so far:

Modern Elements Design

Seeing Eye Design

Fine Line Graphic Design

Xclusive Design

Design Concepts

Hidden Concepts

Give me feedback on the ones I have or give me some new ones, anything helps. Thanks!


  • I like the sounds of 1, 2, 3 and 4

    If I had to chose I would say 4. Design Concepts for its simplicity and minimalism in how it is said.

  • Your name can be an acronym SED Co.

    I will offer you a different name Meta Web Design. It can have two assaciation. It evokes two meanings met a web design or meta meaning the ancestry of web design. You decide cute boy :)

  • I suggest you see what domains are available.

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