girls do you like "pretty boys"?
Me and my friends usually talk about an hour to get ready if were not rushing, make sure we our clothes are not wrinkled, breath is fresh, clean shave, hair looking good, cologne on smelling good, Usually wear collared shirts. Or is the rugged i just woke up and dont really give a fu&k how i look preferred.
I believe most girls prefer someone who is well kept/clean. But not someone who takes longer than them in the bathroom. Sometimes a slightly "I just woke up" look is preferred, as in, a small amount of stubble and "messy" style hair. Not the sort of "I haven't shaven for a week, even looked at a comb, washed for 4 days and I've been wearing the same jeans for 2 weeks now" style. That's just revolting.
You and your friend sound like nice, clean and well kept young men. Just be yourselves ~
I generally prefer the clean "pretty boy look." I mean if you go on a date with a girl, showing up rugged and nasty shows that you don't really care about the date which means you don't care about the girl. Who doesn't love a clean guy that looks good?
EDIT: BUT! There is an exception. If a guy takes longer to get ready than a girl, that's just weird.
To me pretty boys are more of the relationship type because there more dependable. The rugged type to me is just more of a fling or just for a night. The pretty boys take time to get ready and to me that shows they care enough to make there selves look good to go out with me
I like guy that smell good when the give me a hug and they have to have fresh breath the hair if it looks good on you then idc with there shirts it's the same thing. collared shirts i really do pay attention to. doesn't matter.
i like the pretty boy. If girls have to get all dressed up then u guys do 2 if we have to spend hours on our hair and make up and everything than i d like my date to look handsome. thats the way i like guys to dress but if ur going out wit some kind of whor or slut then theyd probably prefer the just woke up look. i hope u ant that kind of guy. good luck!!!
honestly I'd rather have the second guy. girls are attracted to guys that act like guys. If a guy spends a lot of time "prettying" himself up that's a turn-off for me. its good if he smells nice but don't worry so much about your hair and clothes. leave that to us!
usually we think theyre hot, but for me i would only ever date a guy if i liked his personality too, hot or not. i mean, im not going to date someone repulsive looking... but if hes only 1/2 cute but hes an awesome person then its alright
dont worry about how you look too much, girls will get annoyed. looking pretty is supposed to be for the girls to worry about, and when guys care too much about how they look its annoying, like all they care about is how hot they are and not the girl.
I like the I just got up but ill brush my teeth and put on some cologne...not too clean but not too dirty
Answer mine plz plz;_ylt=Anxxo...
um i perfer a rugged guy..but there r many girls who like guys who r "pretty" and r really into there look
for me it depends on the guys personality...but since rugged guys tend to be more adventerous and not care of they get dirty, i prefer rugged guys...