Do Americans favor Palin's views over Obama's?

Just when you think patriotism is dead in America- we make a comeback!


  • There it is again! Watch out for November a'cause that can'a WhoopAss is a comin'! Golly, it's all just so threatening and intimidating... why, it's practically as if you are saying you intend to physically harm all us degenerate reprobate subhuman liberal scum once you take 'your' country back.

    Do Americans favor Palin's views? What 'views'? Um, yeah, Alaska is right across the Bering Strait from Russia, Fort Knox is in Kentucky, you can shoot wolves real easily from helicopters and meth is excellent for weight loss. I totally agree with all of that but do I 'favor' those 'views'? No, in all honesty I probably feel somewhat indifferent to most of those 'views' and they don't excite me too much either way other than maybe making me laugh once in a while.

  • If America favor Palin's views over Obama's,then the United States will fall.This lady is a money living idiot.

  • Are you talking about being pro-TARP, supporting a path way to citizenship & thinking man is contributing to global warming?

    "Now, as for the economic bailout provisions and the measures that have already been taken, it is a time of crisis and government did have to step in playing an appropriate role to shore up the housing market to make sure that we're thawing out some of the potentially frozen credit lines and credit markets, government did have to step in there." ~Sarah Palin


    "Then let's keep it, then, then we won't complicate it any more. Let's keep it simple. And let's say no that if you are here illegally, if you don't follow the steps that at some point in immigration reform that we are going to be able to provide that will allow you somehow to be able to work - if you are not going to do that, then you will be deported. You will be gone."~Sarah Palin interview with Bill O'Reilly

    What she is advocating is a path way to citizenship also known as amnesty by the right-wingers. It is the same thing President Obama and other Democrats are advocating.


    " I believe that man’s activities can certainly be contributing to the issue of global warming and climate change"~ Sarah Palin

    In September 2007, as governor of Alaska, Palin established a "sub-Cabinet" of top state officials to develop a strategy for dealing with climate change.

  • So 52% of Americans share the same views as big government Neoconservatives?

    Man, that is depressing. America is never going to make it out of the woods if we keep relying on big government.

  • Some americans do, but they are an angry paranoid minority.

    You can't ignore the future, it's coming whether you like it or not. The past is dead, as the temporary celebrity of the tea party will be sooner rather than later.

    If supporting a dingbat because of her looks is patriotic, we need to redefine patriotism.

  • Yeah, I observed that on the information this morning. we are returned to gender card vs. race card and gender card is triumphing over the racist race card. impressive. McCain made an spectacular %.. Hillary could desire to be having bleeding ulcers over this, that Palin would be first woman vice president and probably later the 1st woman President from this, mutually as Hillary nevertheless sticks with Obama mutually as he sticks it to her.

  • No, if that were the case Joe Biden would still be a Senator and Christine O'Donnell would still be using witchcraft to keep people from masturbating.

  • i am not an obama fan . but come on man palin is NOT the answer she is a media hore.

  • Not the sane ones.

    lol a Rasmussen poll, what a skewed piece of garbage, and you are unaware of it.

    I do not support Obama, but Palin is an absolute retard.

  • palin has no solutions? she is an expert in talking in circles

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