Is Pluto a rock or a planet?


Your all wrong it's a dog


  • Lying 30 to 50 times as far from the sun as Earth, Pluto's composition bears a greater resemblance to the rocky terrestrial planets than the gas giants that are its neighbors. The surface of the dwarf planet appears to be dominated by ices, with some rock mixed in. Pluto's distance and small size makes studying it a challenge, but astronomers have relied on advanced optics such as the Hubble Space Telescope to examine the dwarf planet. The powerful telescope has found new moons around Pluto in the last few years. Scientists can use Pluto's largest moon, Charon, which is close to the size of the dwarf planet and similar in composition, to study the surface of Pluto. As Charon passes between Pluto and Earth, the eclipse blocks light from the surface, emphasizing the brightness changes on Pluto.

    It is too big for being a rock. so i think its a planet.

  • Pluto is not just a rock because:

    1) It is too big to be a normal rock.

    2) It has a moon, which no ordinary 'rock' has.

    3) It has a lone orbit with no other rocks like the meteorite belt.

    Pluto is not a planet because:

    1) It does not lie on the same plane as the other planets(the plane of ecliptic)

    2) It is too small, its moon is about half its size.

    Therefore it is a dwarf planet.

  • As our astronomy technologies will become extra sofisticated, we study new issues. fairly, we've got here upon different rocks out close to Pluto which will no longer be able to be categorized as planets. Pluto is extra comparable to those rocks than the different 8 planets. by potential of ways, it won't take hours of memorization for individuals to realize that Pluto is now no longer a planet. it's going to make little or no if any substitute interior the lives of maximum folk.

  • It's too big to be classified as a moon or a "rock"

    but it is also too small to be classified as a planet

    It's considered a dwarf planet

  • it was till recently(2006 AD) considered a planet since it was thought to move around the Sun in accordance with kepler's laws.but later on it was discovered that pluto doesn't exactly behave the way other planets do,running into the orbit of its neighbour (Neptune) more frequently than it was classified as a dwarf planet-too small to be an actual planet but too big to be a random asteroid-and so was officially kind of thrown out of the Solar System family.

  • Pluto is a dwarf planet, made of rock.

  • What do you mean a rock? There are no rocks in space. There are asteroids and comets. Pluto is a Dwarf Planet. That is a sepperate class of bodies, that was created in 2006.

  • It used to be a planet until 2006 it didn' t classified the description of a planet. Now it is considered as a dwarf planet.

  • It is not perfectly rock and not perfectly planet. called dwarf planet. In the description of planet enough gravity should be there to hold the rough shape to be a sphere.

  • It's now considered a dwarf planet.

    Too small to be a planet, too big to be a moon.

    It will always just be a planet to me.

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