Favorite AVEDA Product!!!!????

If you use Aveda, which product is your favorite? and why?


  • I like the Shampure, because it's simple and it smells good! I love Aveda!

  • Tourmaline Charged Hydrating Creme or Lotion. use both depending on time of year.

    Brightening Moisture Treatment

    Brigthening Essence

    Caribbean Therapy Body Cleanser or the Scrub

    Hand & Foot Relief lotions

    that's all I can think of off the top of my head. I absolutely love their products. They are fantasic for those of us with very troubled skin. I am sensitive and acne prone and their products are all natural and don't tend to bug my skin.

  • I like the sap moss spray gel stuff. On an in a hurry morning I can scrunch my hair without all of the build up from other gels and my hair never frizzes

  • Currently I am using the anti humectant pomade and it really hasnt done anything great for me except I like the way it smells

  • I hate Aveda. Aveda sucks. But Dove is awesome! I LOVE DOVE! You should definitely switch, girl!

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