How to set up a music video player sound system?

So basically I want to set up a surround sound music system in my living room. I also want to be able to have the music video (or youtube video) play on the TV/projector (preferably TV).

All in all, a want to set up a system where I can play music from my Mac/iPhone, have it play through speakers and play the video all in my living room... Is this even possible?


  • basicly all you need is an AV Reciever that is i-phone compatable

  • Look into a small device called a "Media Server". Some names are "Western Digital TV Live" and "Roku". Since you have drunk the Apple Kool-Aid, look at the "Apple TV" box. I believe it has a YouTube app.

    This will probably give you the ability to feed that HDTV. The next is your sound system which is another issue.

  • I had an incredibly comparable adventure on my own computing device. examine all your volumes with: initiate/Settings/administration Panel/Sounds and Audio instruments. Push some of the best button. If this characteristic is unavailable and it tells you no audio device put in. circulate to: initiate/Settings/administration Panel/Administrative kit/centers seek for the abode windows Audio service. If this service is stopped restart it and reboot. This became into my difficulty and it took me a week to determine it out. I by no potential became the service off. If that service is began it is not the undertaking. Now i might reinstall the sound card drivers. If that doesn't artwork the undertaking might desire to be the soundcard itself. replace it or purchase USB to audio adapter. in case you like a affordable one attempt the: Eforcity USB Sound Card Adapter it is going to fee approximately $10 with transport. stable luck.

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