Do you think if Obama does a horrible job as President...?

...reporters will critique him objectively? I mean, this whole Obama-rama thing has really gotten out of hand. It seems more like a cult following the new messiah than a new presidential term to me. Since the far left (AKA most of) media has hyped this guy up so much and supported him so strongly do you think they will cover his mistakes, blunders and poor choices objectively? Even the strongest supporter has to admit that this guy IS still human and he could make some serious errors in judgment throughout his presidential term (already made a few from what I've seen and he's only been in there one day, but that's beside the point). Do you think the media will report objectively or simply exist in denial and sweep it under the rug to avoid putting their foot in their mouth?


  • The lord,and savior would never do a bad job,and you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking so. Your problem is you think he's human....He is not Messiah Obama is more powerful then god himself!

  • That's a good question, seeing that a lot of people is worshiping the guy. Hopefully, if he does make mistakes he doesn't pass the blame off to the last President. Any person whom runs for President during tough times, must be willing to take on the task and the criticism at hand, passing off any blame will only show weakness.

  • A President doesn't have to be perfect to be a good President. I expect President Obama to make some bad decisions, but he's also smart enough to realize when something isn't working. I don't think he will follow a bad course for long when it becomes clear there's a better way.

    I agree that many people have extremely high hopes for Barack Obama that may be unrealistic, but I think his temperament is much better suited to the job of President than we've be used to for the last eight years. I wish Barack Obama well.

  • cons just don't get the media at all...

    it's like a puppy staring at a Cadillac... seems like a big metal monster... yet, people get in and out of it and travel around seemingly safely...

    the media LOVES underdogs and building them up...

    and if they love anything more... it's tearing them down...

    but then they will build them back up again...

    you can see a very simple version with Brittney spears... sadly enough.... and the political reporters are only more complex versions of it...

    they wanted to do it with Reagan... but they couldn't really tear him down once he got the alzies... that just doesn't play well...

  • What you are seeing is not left wing media bias, it is enthusiasm for ANYONE but Bush.

    We have just endured the worst president in history (in terms of public opinion polls which started around 1930).

    Bush has ruined the economy, plunged us into war for no reason, and made one bad decision after another. It is only natural to be excited about a change. And as a cherry on the cake Obama happens to be smart and highly educated. Instead of surrounding himself with 'hellavajob Brownies' he is actually picking intelligent and highly educated people to surround him.

    My question is why some people seem to be chomping at the bit to see this man fail. If Obama fails on the back of the horrific situation Bush has left this country in, we may as well start packing and moving to Mexico.

  • Obama believes in freedom - and that means freedom of reporters to ask questions and publish what they want. Bush and Chaney tried to control the press as much as they could - of course they failed - but they tried.

    Obama just today rejuvenated the "Freedom of Information Act" which Bush, Chaney and Ashcroft had frozen 8 long dark years ago. Obama does not hate the truth like "Neo-Cons" do - so if he does totally screw up, I have a hunch that the papers will report every miserable detail of it.

    Don't get taken in by cynical, sick "Neo-Con" propaganda that the press is somehow "Liberal" - most of it owned by "Neo-Con" Billionaires now. So believe me - they will print anything bad about Obama they can find. But they haven't been able to find much bad about him yet.

    But I trust that the republicans are busy making that up as we speak.

  • The media will do whatever gives them better ratings.

  • It's going to take something big for them to admit that their savior is human and able to make a mistake.

  • if they don't, the internet and public will. CNN aren't the only people watching politics.

  • Those who love him will defend him.

    Those who hate him will ridicule him.

    Gotta love politics.

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