Why is consensual pedophilia illegal?

don't just say it's sick or wrong, or it ruins the mentality of children

but if you do explain why you think so


  • It is wrong because an adult can usually talk a child into doing anything the adult wants. Children are easily fooled and tricked. So it's not really "consensual". They don't have all the facts. There are many things we are not allowed to do by virtue of young age: drive, drink, vote, sign contracts etc.

  • Ok lets start at the beginning. Homosexuality is an innate part of a persons psychological make up. Simply put the person is attracted to members of the same sex. Pedophilia by definition is the NON-consensual actions of an adult against a minor. There is a difference. Consensual sex with a minor is a misnomer. MINORS cannot consent since they do not have the legal ability too consent. It is really all about the legal language of the law. Is homosexuality wrong. No. Is sex with a minor wrong Yes because the law says so. That simple. Does sex with minors happen? Yes. Could it be considered "consensual" by both parties? Yes but not according to the law. Now to the center of the subject, at what age should society consider a person to be able to grant "consent" for sexual activity. Frankly that is a very tricky question since some people are not mature for sex even when they are 25 and yet some are mature at as young as 13 (and I don't mean biologically) For the most part the age of consent is 18 in the US. Some states with parental permission it is as low as 14 for girls and 15 for boys. Frankly, the idea of sex between two people is really up to the two people regardless of their sex. My first lover was 15 when I met him. I was 19. Big age difference at that time but we really clicked. We stayed together for 5 years. It was a good relationship and we really did love each other. We are still best friends and see each other about once a year. The breath of human sexuality is as wide as ones own imagination. It is the depth of commitment between the two and the level of maturity that is of the largest concern.

  • Simple.

    Children do not have the required maturity or legal standing to make those decisions.

  • because children aren't able to make appropriate decisions while in the presence of an authority figure, an adult, who is pressuring them to do something sexual. most kids don't even have sexual urges until their early teens, so they don't benefit from pedophilia at all.....not to mention it pretty much destroys everybody that it happens to, future problems with relationships, sexual dysfunction, etc....

  • Because children have NOT reached the age of consent and therefore CAN'T consent

    That is like saying that profoundly mentally challenged people or people with alzheimer's disease should be allowed to consent to sex.

  • Because it's not, "consensual," at all. Children can be coerced but they cannot consent, they're simply not mentally capable of making such a decision. How can a child have a true understanding of something so complex and life changing? This is really a matter of common sense. If that doesn't make sense to you, take a few classes in child development, child psychology, etc. Better yet, see a psychiatrist.

  • check your email! I did not feel comfortable with my answer being public!

  • its not legal.

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