How Do I Act White Seriously?

every day at school i hear your not black you act white what kind of black person gets good grades, study, skateboard, and wear glasses, i got called a geek once, why do you wear american eagle you need to wear south pole, and so on , and people mock the way i talk just now one of my pals was like you act white what kind of black person watches hockey

when will people stop listening to stereotypes


  • White pal isn't watching his hockey too well now is he? There are black players in the league and who says you can't be interested in hockey because of your colour? THAT is an odd thing for him to comment on.

    Just tell them they are completely misinformed and you are acting like yourself and won't be defined by their stereotypical media drivin thoughts.

    Wear what you want. These kids are strange little white children that need to get out more....really.

  • it quite is an f-ed up shape....people assume you to act a definite way...people have it drilled of their heads so which you may extra healthful the stereotypical black photograph it is so modern everywhere. This photograph isn't something better than a manufactured from white supremacy that those scholars have believed to be authentic. i might undertaking them in case you delicate doing it (i'm uncertain i might however). Be like: what's appearing white? what's appearing black? What do you think of of black people and their place in society? What do you think of of being white? etc. After that folk ought to offer up themselves before the lack of understanding comes out of their mouths.

  • I don't think people will EVER stop listening to stereotypes. Tell them to go get a life instead of criticizing everything everybody else does. You can't act like a race. Each race is made up of different people who are bound to be unique.

  • That really sucks

    That's so stupid

    Don't ever listen to them

    The only way to act white is to physically be born white

    Stupid stereotypes

    In class, people assume I'm a genius because I'm Asian lol

  • People say i act white all the time.

    Then i respond by saying "whats acting white"

    Just because you do not act ghetto it dosent mean your not black.Im black and im none of my stereotypes.

    Im a video game playing,band geek,biology nerd,sports freak,glasses wearing,A plus student, black teenager

    But i dont care what they say.And you shouldnt either

    Just be you


    Edit--And Rocco has a great point.Defend yourself

  • You don't act're just being yourself. The people that are putting you down obviously haven't been around a diverse population of black people. They just can't wrap their minds around a concept that's so foreign to them.

  • I suggest you stop listening and get on with your life. It sounds like you are heading in the right direction to be a productive member of society. Keep doing what you are doing and forget the mumnuts that are jealous of you.

  • well im half black and italian, but i skateboard, get good grades, and listen to screamo.

    people talked alot of shet until one day at school some kid like stole my drink during lunch, told me why "white azz aint gonna do sht" he drank half of it then gave it back.

    i threw that shet back in his face got all over his clothes and then i ran up on that niqqa, he didnt do shet.

    maybe you should stand up for your self.

  • Unless you're on welfare, with 5 baby mommas, with a warrant and "struggling black man" mentality, you'll be considered to have betrayed your black race.

  • i don't know how to act white or black or asian or gay or chirstian or any of this BS because not everyone in the same group acts the same way.

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