Navy Officer Programs???

I'm 26 and will be graduating in May with a BS in Criminal Justice (3.2 GPA). I just talked to an Officer recruiter and want to join the officer. He said their in need of Supply and SWO. What is the biggest difference between these two feilds?


  • I was in this exact same position. The major difference is that when you graduate from Office Candidate School the Supply Corps sends you to an exhaustive 6 month school which covers the duties of all the enlisted rates in supply while a line officer generally goes to a ship and learns his job hands on. Supply Officers handle every concievable logistical problem in the fleet from haircuts and feeding 5000 people at sea to maintaining stockpiles of petroleum for the entire 6th fleet and maintaining financial responsibility for major commands. Line officers (Surface Warfare Officers) drive ships and end up being the one in command of battles. Both jobs are very important and can be very fullfilling. I took the Supply Officer route and was very satisfied with my career which involved a multitude of roles in multiple countries. Good Luck

  • In addition to Manderz I would add that if you are looking long term SWO is probably more suitable for a career. The SWO's are far more likely to rise in rank faster, have positions of consequence, attend the Naval War College, and eventually command ships. All that said, if neither of those options suit you, then hold out. The Navy needs good officers, and it is the recruiters job to fill the most needed slots so he will naturally push you towards those positions. But if you are patient and persistent then wait for the billet you want and you will most likely get it.

  • Probably the biggest difference is in command responsibilities: SWOs can rise to command ships and fleets; Suppos will only command supply detachments and such. It depends on what interests you: in Supply you'll gain experience in logistics and contracting; in SWO you'll be trained in shipboard operations.

    Be aware: SWO is generally the next stop for people who fail out of flight school, nuclear power school, BUDS, etc. You'll encounter more than your share of marginal performers. If you're dedicated and do your utmost to stand out, you'll succeed.

    In general, the Supply Corps will translate more easily to the civilian sector as it is so business related. If you have no interest in business or logistics, you may not find this field very satisfying.

  • SWO involve surface fleet's ships for the missions of forward naval presence, sea control, and projection of power ashore.

    The Supply officers work with logistics,combat support, readiness, contracting issues,inventory control. They are members of supply units/departments.

  • Supply gets things.

    Surface Warfare Officers are exactly what they sound like.

  • The best source for an accurate answer is the recruiter.

    Good luck.

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