Devil Wears Prada Quotes?

What are some good quotes from the Devil Wears Prada?


  • Andy spills chowder on her sweater and that bald guy says, "I'm sure there's more poly-blend where that comes from." (or something like that)

    Emily rattles off a list of things to do to Andie and then glances at Andie's coat and says with her usual supercilious delivery, "...and hang that up...just don't fling it anywhere!"

    (The first time I saw this movie that line had me exploding with laughter. Emily's crisp British accent is what made it entertaining for me. Had she had a flat West Coast American accent, the line would have fallen as flatly as her accent.)

    the bald man points at Andie and mouths "Who's that?" and Emily says, "THAT...I don't even have time for."

    As Emily began to deliver her catty lines, I turned to my wife and said, "Oh...I KNOW I'm gonna love this flick." and Emily continued to "deliver the goods" when she made a snotty comment to her friend about Andie's wardrobe. The friend asked, "What is she wearing?" and Emily says something like, "Oh, I don't know...probably her grandmother's skirt."

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