Does Obama hate America?

And why do u say this?


  • No president, including Obama, has ever hated America. If he did, he would not have run for office. Different presidents have different opinions, but he is always doing what he feels is best for the country at the time.

  • I would say yes. Go to this website listed in the scorces and see how much debt he has thrown us into. Obama is a person leading for Socialisim (WW2 Russia) then after Socalisim runs out of everybodys money Communisim kicks in (Russia Today) after that fails Fashisim is in order and basicly that place is ruined. Obama isnt smart. He dosent look to the future.

  • No, he isnt the best president ever but his hands were tied. Everything he tried to pass the republicans wouldnt, and then they all said "obamas failed policy". There were things he shouldve done and mistakes he made but what did we expect after bush? Hes made a mark in history as the first black president, and he kept the country from literally exploding. Compared to the crazy *** republican running, we just need to keep him until our next batch of hopefully not crazy presidents.

  • No but he hates the fundamental fabric of freedom and the constitution our country was built on so he is trying to destroy that by dividing our country by racial and class warfare.

  • no

    2 points

  • Just non-muslin Americans

  • who gives a dam i just want him out

  • Idk i havnt herd him talk about the us or knows about the us i like it when he said their were 49 states its true look it up and you will c it and if u dnot than u beleuve me

  • Obviously, look at how fast he's destroying it.

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